Welcome one and all (Part II)...
Roughly a year and a half ago (give or take 2 weeks), I set out to start my own little blog via Wordpress, bringing the sweet loveliness that is comics out to the masses in two-page-per-post increments each and every month without delay. All using the only format that I can do, which is by pen. Seriously, me and drawing do not go well. There's actually a little strip that I wrote and drew some years back for an art class sitting somewhere in my room. Anyway, after some success (well, as much success as one can scrape together on Wordpress), I decided to give Envisage Traveler Studios its own shiny website through Wix. Mainly to try to monetize my work there, give it a nice solid base like any other small business. I could try to filter in all the work I did from that site here, but it's an absolute pain in the ass to do (speaking from previous experience) and it's 10:43 P.M. PDT and, truthfully...I'd like to sleep at a solid hour. So, to those who want to look back and read what I'm currently writing (Time Lady of L.A.), here's the Wordpress site: http://envisagetravelerstudios.wordpress.com Otherwise, starting tomorrow, I'll just get going with the current issue I'm writing (Issue 11) by posting all the previous pages that came before going on with the . I hope you enjoy..and I hope you stick along for what'll be a long ride.