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Ghede: Guerrier Extraordinaire #2: Pages 9-10

Page 9, 6 Panels- Mr. Ozawa's Bedroom Panel 1: Cut back to Ghede moments later. Her right hand swipes away from the scene quickly and casually. The sound of a loud "THUD!" can be heard off-panel, signifying the disposal of the powerless human. There's also the sound of the rest of the dark red rum colored essence filtering its way inside the glass bottle off-panel. GHEDE [Cont., pleased smile]: Ah, pi bon apil! Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. For the first time in the last page and change, Ghede opens her silvery eyes. Her hands and arms still outstretched to both sides in their familiar pose, except for one particular difference- 4 individual leaves of Japanese Wisteria plant, lined perfectly next to one another in her left hand. GHEDE [Cont., translated from Haitian Creole]: Now to work... Panel 3: Action shot of our heroine as she makes her way toward the corner of the room where the bottle is resting. We see at this moment the remainder of the dark red essence enter what was once filled with awamori. You can also see Ghede's right arm is resting at her side as she walks. Panel 4-5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Ghede glances down slightly at the top of the bottle. Her left hand starting to move into position above it, blacking out the 4 individual leaves from view of the panel. In Panel 5, we see the Haitian guerrier slowly rolling the first of the leaves to place inside it. GHEDE [translated from Haitian Creole, Panel 5]: "Kings of the sun Queens of the night..." Panel 6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel a few moments later. We see the first rolled up leaf drifting down into the glass bottle as she continues her incantation. Her hand already in the middle of rolling up the second leaf to dorp into the concoction. GHEDE [Cont., translated from Haitian Creole]: "Holder of the scales Determiner of life..." Page 10, 5 Panels- Mr. Ozawa's Bedroom Panel 1-2: A two-part set of panels centered around the same setting and layout that we saw in the last panel of the previous page. Ghede's eyes are closed, and there's a sort of power that emanates from her being through the course of both panels. It acts as a perfect finisher to the ceremony as the remaining two leaves drift down into the glass bottle. GHEDE [Cont., translated from Haitian Creole; Panel 1]: "I offer the pure essence Of this near departed soul As tribute to your power Offering one request..." GHEDE [Cont., Panel 2]: "Grant me entrance To his In Between Promising his safe return To this corporeal plane And its predestined end..." Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A few moments later, Ghede opens her eyes once more and waits. The aura of black power has fully transferred into the glass bottle, giving it an eerie glow as it sits proudly in view in the panel's foreground. Panel 4: Same layout as the previous panel. Action shot of the Voodoo specter reaching over to pick the bottle up. You can see her body start to loosen up in the moments that preceded the heights of the ceremony. GHEDE [sighs]: Bottoms up... Panel 5: Close-up on her face a split second later. We see the bottle rest on the bottom edge of her lips. The dark red liquid filtering out of the bottle and down into her mouth like rum mixed with chunks of syrup

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