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Ghede: Guerrier Extraordinaire #3: Pages 5-6

Page 5, 6 Panels- Avain's Dhom, In-Between Panel 1-2: A two-part set of panels showing the Dhom coming to life. In Panel 1, it's mostly an exterior shot of the ship; the water underneath the ship bubbling and the roaring with the sounds of the ship's engines going toward full. And in Panel 2, although with a slightly different layout following the Dhom, we see treading the water, moving quickly from left to right in the panel view. Panel 3: Back to the front of the ship in a layout similar to what we saw near the end of the previous page a minute after Panel 2. Avain at the wheel, looking out at the water and the path yet to travel. Ghede turns around and starts to wander back toward the main housing area of the ship behind them. GHEDE [translated from French]: So, how are things with Clarissa? Panel 4: Cut to a proper shot of the top half of Ghede's body a few moments later. She's stopped and has turned her body back towards the front of the panel view and the now off-panel Avain. A note of friendly courtesy can be heard in her dialogue. GHEDE [Cont., to Avain]: You finally get her to join us on a mission? AVAIN [Off-Panel, chuckling]: No, sadly. She's back home... Panel 5: Back to Avain at the wheel in a side-shot. He only glances partly from his periphery as he speaks. You can see the forested area changing ever so slightly along with the moving ship in the background. You can also see the shadow moving from the left side toward him signifying the approach of our titular heroine. AVAIN [Cont.]: Dimension hopping after almost dead humans is...not a favored past time of hers. GHEDE [Off-Panel]: And yet she's with you somehow? Panel 6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Nothing really changes at this point, save for the positioning of our titular heroine Ghede who appears in full view in the panel. A look of charm and genuinene care in her voice as she speaks. GHEDE [Cont., to Avain]: Nothing against her, Avi. It's just that given the time she lived on Earth, there could be some...conflict in terms of your identity. AVAIN [dismissively]: You think I kept that a secret from her, Ghed? Page 6, 5 Panels- Avain's Dhom, In-Between Panel 1-2: Cut to a slightly closed-up shot of Avain a second later. He looks out toward the unseen river area, lost in thought with the same type of casualness as before. You can see Ghede in the background listening in on the bulk of the explanation, leaning up against a wall. In Panel 2, the smile grows a little wider and a little more tender as he finishes. Ghede can be seen also giving a half-smirk at the moment. AVAIN [Cont., translated from French; tender smile]: It was the first thing of myself that I told her on our first date. She didn't care... AVAIN [Cont., Panel 2]: She just smiled and asked, "when did the play started?" GHEDE [chuckling, translated from French; Panel 2]: I know, dude... Panel 3: Close-up on Ghede a second later. Her hands wrapped over her chest as she's been listening. The half-grin that we saw only partially in Panel 2 is now in full display. The background is nothing but the brown of the ship's main complex. GHEDE [to Avain]: I just like hearing the anecdote! Panel 4-5: Back to Avain at the wheel in a similar setting and layout that we saw in Panel 2. He chuckles mildly in agreement to the exclamation from his friend. In Panel 5, a few minutes later, his happy demeanor is suddenly disrupted by the sound of banging and rushing water emanating from off-panel. You can see Ghede running out to the front of the ship from the background as he speaks. AVAIN [Panel 4]: As do I... AVAIN [Panel 5; tensed to action]: What the hell?!

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