Ghede: Guerrier Extraordinaire #4: Pages 3-4
Page 3, 7 Panels- Avain's Dhom Panel 1: A couple of seconds later, a shockwave hits the bow of the ship. It's powerful to shake Ghede and Avain violently from the jovial scene exhibited in the last couple panels of the previous page. You can see Avain looking up in one direction and Ghede out the other way. Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The shaking ends just as quickly as it began for our two heroes, still looking in the same direction that we saw in the previous panel. Avain grabs hold of the bottom of the steering wheel to keep himself upward. GHEDE [translated from French; to Avain, on-alert]: Sonuvabitch...Moaneglas? AVAIN [translated from French; to Ghede, shaking his head]: Naw. They're larger and only appear in more Arctic incarnations. Panel 3-4: Slight close-up on Avain as he gets himself back up to his feet. His hands have moved up compared to Panel 2, clawing up toward the top of the steering wheel as he speaks. He also moves his head a little toward the right coming into Panel 4, grabbing the top edge of the wheel with both hands.. AVAIN [Cont., Panel 3]: This has the makings of something smaller and worlds faster. AVAIN [Panel 4]: Something that may strike a familiar tone with you, given the last time we faced an In-Between in this particular climate. Panel 5: Cut to Ghede just behind the good ship captain as he gets himself situated off-panel. You can see her floating a little ways off the ground. You can also see the railing of the ship in the background along with a little slice of the treeline behind them as a whole. GHEDE [annoyed dread, closing her eyes tightly]: Oh sweet goddess, don't tell me it's... Panel 6: Action shot of the Haitian guerrier nimbly avoiding a powerful shockwave hitting the side of the Dhom. A flurry of broken floorboards flies up as a result. You can see Avain brunting himself from the impact of the broken shards of wood as a bird-like shadow droops down from overhead. Panel 7: Cut to our titular heroine a split second later. She's resting gently on the top of the metal railing, looking up and tracking the shadow as well as the loud, mighty screech from the beak of the massive bird flying above them. GHEDE: Oiseau du feu...craptastic! Page 4, 5 Panels- Avain's Dhom, In-Between Panel 1: Action shot centered around the same area where Ghede landed in the last panel of the previous page. It shows the Haitian guerrier flying rapidly toward the right away from a stream of fire that misses the metal railing and hits the water in the background. Panel 2-4: A three-part set of panels set around sky level moments after the action of the first panel. Each one showing our heroine flying off, dodging a series of fiery blasts coming toward her in orange orbs. You can see the shadow of the bird somewhat coming after our heroine as well as its powerful cries. GHEDE [translated from French, to Avain; Panel 3]: Ice... GHEDE [Cont., Panel 4]: Chips.... Panel 5: Cut to a speeding profile shot for the first time of the Oiseau du feu in action, ready to fire another weaponous blast from its beak. A beautiful eagle in design whose feathers seem to have been made entirely from fire. The creature has wings that stretch out to both ends of the panel view. GHEDE [Off-Panel]: Tell me there's still one left!