The Boo-Ya! #2: Pages 11-12
Page 11, 7 Panels- The Hopper, The Boo-Ya!
Panel 1: Slight shift to the interior of the Hopper seconds later as Staehlia formally steps inside. The lights from the ceiling fully illuminating the room, including part of the transporter's main console that is visible around the lower right corner of the panel view. You can see in the background a little glow of yellow coming from the outside hallway as the door closes halfway shut behind her.
STAEHLIA [Cont.]: Now to get a bead on their specific coordinates. Initiate total sweep of the planet. CAPALDI [through the ceiling speakers inside the Hopper, to Staehlia]: Ya got it, Stahl. Searching now...
Panel 2: Close-up on the young Titanian's face a few moments later as she reaches the Hopper's main console, now brimming with electricity-fueled life. A three-dimensional keyboard appears underneath her as she steps in front of it and readies to type. Her gaze looks up in the direction of the ceiling in anticipation for what will next come from the A.I. with the Brogue as the door to the Hopper slams shut off-panel.
CAPALDI [Cont.]: I've found our two compatriots. STAEHLIA [to Capaldi]: Good! Where are they precisely? CAPALDI [Bubble 2]: Not too far from our present location, thankfully. STAEHLIA [Bubble 2]: Very good...Feed me the coordinates. CAPALDI [Bubble 3]: Alright, it's...I155.T5226...
Panel 3-4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Staehlia looks back down toward the keyboard, quickly typing away on the coordinates that are given her. Her fingers moving with her trademark speed and precision. In the next panel, she finishes typing the very last of the command into the machine which crackles and comes to life with a steady hum.
CAPALDI [Cont., Panel 3]: By A277.L9907Y. It appears to be a...jail of some kind. Or possibly, judging by the size of the building, a holding pen for barnyard animals. STAEHLIA [to Capaldi; Panel 3]: Well, they have been locked up in both places in the past. So either potentiality would not be a surprise in my view. STAEHLIA [Cont.; Panel 3, Bubble 2]: What weapons would you suggest I--? CAPALDI [concerned, to Staehlia; Panel 4]: Hold on have appeared to have mistyped the coordinates I gave you.
Panel 5: Cut to a rear shot of Staehlia as she jogs over in the direction of the Hopper as it starts to power up. It looks very similar to the transporter on "Star Trek," albeit slightly smaller, with its oval-shaped metal and plastic platform with three distinct circles placed in a triangle formation. The background is light blue strings that filter down from top to bottom, resembling raindrops or a waterfall.
CAPALDI [Cont.]: What you've entered will 'port you ten Earth feet from the jail. STAEHLIA [to Capaldi]: That is the point, Capaldi.
Panel 6-7: A two-part set of panels centered on the young Titanian as she hops on one of the circular stations. In Panel 6, she looks up with a degree of calm confidence as the machine gets ready to fulfill its command. In Panel 7, a minute later, a beam of energy starts to wrap around her body, signifying the Hopper finally coming into action.
STAEHLIA [Cont., Panel 6]: I want to minimize any potential casualties that could arise from a direct contact 'port in a populated area. The last thing we need is CAPALDI [Off-Panel, Panel 6]: That's...understandable, I guess. STAEHLIA [smirks, Panel 7]: There is also the resulting shockwave that emanates from the Hopper that could help break our friends out and, now that I think about it, negate the need for weaponry, if I am lucky. CAPALDI [confused, Off-Panel; Panel 7]: Wait, what?!
Page 12, 5 Panels- Jail, Moltrasio Italy
Panel 1: We cut to a single shot of the Madam and Nessa sitting on the wooden bench to the jail cell. A shot that continues on for the next three panels. Their backs resting against the hard light brown concrete wall, staring up toward the ceiling in a mutually relaxing vibe. You can see a little bit of the setting afternoon sun above them in the background through an open window with metal bars.
THE MADAM [looking up toward the ceiling, with a half grin]: I could go for a good, tall glass of booze right about now. It's one of the few things this planet's got for them. NESSA [retorting, to the Madam]: Oy, don't diss the sushi! A nice plate of Ika with a side of noodles and some soy... NESSA [Cont., pondering to herself; Bubble 2]: I wonder what kind of sushi they've got in this It-ahly place. THE MADAM [side-eyed, to Nessa, Bubble 2]:Again with the sushi? do know they're made of humans, right? NESSA [defensively, to the Madam; Bubble 3]: No, they're not!...At least I don't think they are. THE MADAM [Bubble 3]: What the hells do you think they're made of then?
Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Nessa turns her gaze slightly to the side to her friend, placing her hands on her thighs and continuing on her thought from the end of Panel 1. Her tone shifting to a more explanatory range, with a touch of growling hunger that follows a mild "GRRAA!" from her stomach which happens just after the second speech bubble takes place. As this goes on, you can hear a little whistle come in from outside, audible but not dominant to the conversation.
NESSA [shrugs, to the Madam]: Shite! I don't know...maybe those ugly, flying blue rats we saw the last time we 'cay'd on this planet. THE MADAM [slight nod, to Nessa]: Maybe. It'd explain their disturbingly high prevalence all over the planet. And why the humans just seem to let them fly around without worry. NESSA [following on the train of thought, Bubble 2]: Also, they just look...really tasty. Especially with some Chiy and a good bottle of--
Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Nessa looks down toward her stomach, grimacing and moving from side to side in a display of hunger pains. The "GRRAA!" from before pops up a couple of times as she speaks. The Madam looks on and moves a little bit closer toward her friend on the bench. Meanwhile, the sound of whistling that started in Panel 2 has now grown in intensity to the point that it starts to make its presence in the main action of the panel.
NESSA [Cont., with a slight nagging tone]: Flark! I haven't eaten a bett'n thing since Keelzahn...where the hells Stahl?! THE MADAM [consoling, to Nessa]: She'll be here, Ness! She's probably on her way now, ready to bust us out with whatever genius bit she's cooked up to get us out. I bet whatever it is is gonna be well thought out, containing a lot of contingencies and contingencies to the....
Panel 4-5: Action shot of our two heroines moved to the side as they, suddenly, leap out of the way of a massive explosion that takes out the whole wall from which they had been sitting on all this time. In the next panel, we cut to them a few moments later (Madam on the left side, Nessa on the right), slowly standing back up and recognizing who caused it. In both panels, you can hear the sound of footsteps in a running pace toward their position.
THE MADAM [yelling]: FLARK! SOUND EFFECT [Off-Panel; Panel 4]: WHABOOMMM!... THE MADAM [Cont., flashing a relieved and surprised smile; Panel 5]: Or it could just be making a hole the size of the Idriss Pass for us to slip through. NESSA [overjoyed, Panel 5]: I'm not bitching about it! THE MADAM [Panel 5, Bubble 2]: Neither am I...