Ghede: Guerrier Extraordinaire #6: Pages 5-6
Page 5, 6 Panels- Forested area of the In-Between Panel 1-3: A three-part set of panels that are centered around a single string of action shots. Each one centered on our heroine as she crosses past a couple of trees, looking up toward the right of the panel view in search of the off-panel mountainous area. By Panel 3 though, you can see her start to droop down in a considerable amount of weakness. KAGU-TSUCHI [Off-Panel, translated from Japanese; Panel 3]: Not so fast, my pretty Shōjo... Panel 4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Suddenly, a supernatural force appears and jolts her awake and in a frozen Messianic position in the air. Her hand still holding enough power to keep a grip on Minaj as it goes on. KAGU-TSUCHI [Cont., Off-Panel]: We need you at your very best! Panel 5: Cut to a profile shot a couple of beats after we leave things in the previous panel. From the middle of the Haitian guerrier's chest, you can see a pool of pale yellow goo emanating in clumps. She yells out in immense pain at the agonizing process. Panel 6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A minute later, after the poison extraction process has ended, we see the pale yellow goo formed under a single ball just in front of her face. You can also see that Ghede has started to regain her prior mode of health prior to the attack. Page 6, 7 Panels- Forested area of the In-Between Panel 1: Slight close-up on Ghede's face a short time later. She looks up toward the sky now, surmising the location of the voice, although she already has a good idea as to the source. You can see some chunks of bark from the trees around her in the background. GHEDE [translated from Japanese, to Kagu-Tsuchi; sarcastic]: Neat...trick! Panel 2: Same setting as the previous panel. The layout pulls out slightly to take in more of the top section of the Haitian guerrier's body. Her head still is looking upward in the direction of the sky. As for the rest of her body though, you can see the other parts of her body just beginning to regain their previous freedom of movement, though not enough to impact her current condition. The pale yellow goo ball is speedily flung out of view as she speaks. GHEDE [Cont., still sarcastic]: Still doesn't beat...the Golems! Panel 3-4: A two-part action shot centered around our ensnared heroine. In Panel 3, we see her slammed into the middle of a tree five steps from where she was. In Panel 4, a few moments later, Ghede steps forward from the heavily dented tree, casually shaking it off as if it were merely a hard slap on the back. Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A couple of beats later, we see our titular heroine stumble forward from the tree she was chucked into (which appears faintly in the background over her right shoulder). The tip of her Molltach dragging on the ground as she walks. KAGU-TSUCHI [translated from Japanese Off-Panel, to Ghede]: The only reason you're not deceased right now, Ghede, is because observing you... Panel 6-7: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A little amount of time and distance has passed between the two panels. Ghede glances up casually toward the sky in Panel 6 to address the voice in the sky. We see her in mid-glide across a background that appears to be in flux somehow. KAGU-TSUCHI [Cont., Off-Panel; Panel 6]: I've grown to respect your style of combat. GHEDE [chuckling/rolling her eyes, to Kagu-Tsuchi; Panel 6]: Ah gods...always with the cryptic, passive aggressive bullshit! GHEDE [Cont., slightly more serious; Panel 7]: Why not break from tradition and explain to me what the hells you're planning with the human Ozawa?