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The Boo-Ya! #3: Pages 15-16

Page 15, 7 Panels- Petrol Station, just outside of Cernobbio Italy Panel 1: Same setting as the last panel of the previous page. The layout shifts slightly toward more of a close-up on Ms. Cartwright's face sa she slowly opens her eyes again. Her body shifting slightly toward a more standard seated position that you would find driving in a car. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [woozy, to the Businessman]: Wazzup?....Are we in Moltrasio yet? Panel 2-3: Back to a shot of the Businessman standing in front of the BMW's passenger side door. His eyes looking down toward his passenger as he speaks. In the background, both in Panel 2 and Panel 3, you can see part of the outline of the front entrance to the Petrol station. BUSINESSMAN [shaking his head, to Robin; Panel 2]: Not quite, but we're close. I just stopped in for petrol. BUSINESSMAN [Cont.; Panel 2, Bubble 2]: We should be there in another thirty, thirty-five minutes I think. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [accepting, Off-Panel; Panel 2]: Okay... BUSINESSMAN [looks from his periphery to the left; Panel 3]: I just remembered, I need to call the office about something. Won't be too long... Panel 4-5: Cut back to Robin at her seat. Her focus split between the Businessman and her cell phone resting comfortably on her lap. You can see in Panel 4 the phone's screen is littered with what appears to be text messages on the lock screen, though we don't see what they're about. It's not until Panel 5, watching him walk out of view moments later, that Ms. Cartwright grips the phone with her right hand and lifts it up to eye level. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [to Businessman, nonchalantly; Panel 4]: Okay... ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [intrigued, Panel 5]: Huh, it's a couple texts from Jess. Panel 6-7: Close-up on Robin's face a few moments later, looking down at the screen as she finally gets a good look at the texts. A little half-smile comes across her face at first. The glare of the smart phone's screen hitting her face and the wrinkly, well-worn uniform that she's still wearing. Then, in Panel 7, after a little time of reading them, her casual smile fades to one of confusion and fear blended together. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [Cont. while reading, Panel 6]: "The Commander just ruled you persona non grata. She's already starting the ball rolling to get you charged for desertion." 'Kay, not really a surprise so far. Um... ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [Cont., reading; Panel 6, Bubble 2]: "Oh shit, just heard from someone in Intelligence. The Italian government has a reward on your head, wants you arrested for..." ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [confused, with a raised eyebrow; Panel 7]: Invasion? They think I'm trying to invade Italy?! Why the frack would they... Page 16, 6 Panels- Petrol Station, just north of Cernobbio Italy Panel 1: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. Her attention is pulled suddenly by the sound of police sirens coming from the right side of the panel view. Her whole body tenses up at the coming danger and goes toward a level of flight. Her right hand already starting to place her phone in her pocket as she speaks. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [certain, with a steely resolve]: Okay, that can wait! Panel 2: Action shot of our human heroine, a few moments later, hopping out of the car without opening the passenger side door. In the background, you can see a few of the other cars filling up with gas behind them, barely noticing for the most part. The exception being someone standing in the opposite row of cars who notices her leaving. You can also see the first glow of the police cars coming on to the scene. Panel 3-5: A three-part set of panels centered around Ms. Cartwright as she runs along the black top of the petrol station in search of anything she could use to get the hell out of the scene without geting arrested. Her body appearing multiple times in each panel to show the rushing back and forth to the reader. The full scope of the station and the individual gas pumps is visilbe with each preceding panel, as well as the variety of cars that are most popular in Italy. You can also hear the sound of the police sirens growing louder in the background. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [panicky; Panel 3]: C'mon... ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [Cont., Panel 4]: C'monc'monc'monc'monc'monc'monnnn.... ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [jovially, Panel 5]: GOT IT! Panel 6: We move to a shot of a man standing in front of his motorcycle locking on the chin strap to his helmet. He glances over and notices Robin at the same moment that she pushes the thirtysomething man down to the ground, taking the helmet with her free hand. All the while, the sirens growing louder and ever closer to the location. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [to the Cyclist, without looking at him]: Outta the way, dude!

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