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Sorpresa de Octobre: Pages 9-12

Page 9, 6 Panels- Maria Quinteras de Meras’ table, Bar, just outside Ciudad Juarez Mexico Panel 1-2: A two-part set of panels centered on Ms. de Meras after another couple of minutes have elapsed. As the video continues on, it is very clear by her demeanor and body language that she's had well enough by the time we reach Panel 2. You can see her free hand already rising up from underneath the table in the direction of the phone. DONALD TRUMP [from the phone speaker, Panel 1]: "I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married." DONALD TRUMP [Cont.; Panel 1, Bubble 2]: "Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phoney tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look." DONALD TRUMP [Panel 2]: "You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful. I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait." DONALD TRUMP [Cont.; Panel 2, Bubble 2]: "...Grab them by the pussy!...You can do..." MARIA QUINTERAS DE MERAS [angry]: That's enough…I’m in! Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A second later, Maria slams the phone down on the table, turning the video off in the process. Her eyes look over in the direction of the protagonists from the future, filled with a degree of rage and anger that's reserved for those you want to gut like a carp. MARIA QUINTERAS DE MERAS [Cont., to Arthur and Rose]: the hells do you want me to put this vile pig down? Panel 4: Back to Arthur and Rose on the other side of the table a second later. Arthur is the one who appears to be following the proverbial script in terms of what they discussed before coming to the past. Rose, meanwhile, has a bit of a grin forming over the left side of her face. In her mind, the image of what it might look like can metaphorically be seen flowing through her head as she speaks. ARTHUR [shaking his head, to Maria]: We don’t want to kill the man, Ms. de Meras. Truthfully, we just…want to send him a message at a formative time in his li— ROSE [holding her finger out in a “Stop” position in front of Arthur, interjecting to Maria]: Let me talk to my friend a quick sec. ARTHUR [Bubble 2]: Uh… ROSE [Bubble 2]: Excuse me. Panel 5: Cut to a shot of the two of them (Arthur on the left, Rose on the right) a split second later talking to one another. You can see Rose has a firm grip on the back of Arthur’s neck as she speaks. In the background, you can also see a section of the wall behind them as well as a little part of Maria glancing on as the two of them whisper. ROSE [Cont. to Arthur, trying to convince him; whispering]: You sure we should take offing Trump entirely off the table? I mean, how bad could we leave things if we did that? No Trump Tower. No stupid fucking Apprentice. Countless women, and the whole country for that matter, saved the agony of having to deal with a slimy, lowlife sack of… ARTHUR [to Rose, keeping a level head on things; whispering]: I know it’s tempting, Rose. Part of me’s absolutely with you in the sentiment. But like I said before, we don’t know if doing something like this could be a big negative in the future. ARTHUR [Cont., Bubble 2]: Besides, isn’t what we have planned better? Less bloody, more useful, if necessary, in the future? Panel 6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A couple of seconds have passed by at this point, and we start to hear a little more commotion emanating from the background area. At the same time, you can also see the top of Maria’s head start to pop ever so slightly into view between the two of our future protagonists. ROSE [grumbling and slightly agreeing, to Arthur in the same whisper tone]: I know it is…logically. But man—it would be so awesome to do so! ARTHUR [chuckling, to Rose in the same whisper tone]: You can save it for your next VR program. Right now though, we just wanna send the little bastard a message…through violence! MARIA QUINTERAS DE MERAS [to Arthur and Rose]: Works for me… MARIA QUINTERAS DE MERAS [Cont., Bubble 2]: What do you need me to do? Page 10, 5 Panels- Maria Quinteras de Meras’ table, Bar, just outside Ciudad Juarez Mexico Panel 1: Cut back to a shot to our future set protagonists in a similar setting and layout to the second-to-last panel of the previous page. Rose appears to be pleased by the development and part of her is ready to get things going as it were. Though there’s still something that is sticking in the back of her head that she wants to take care of. Arthur, meanwhile, glances on with a considerably confused look on his face at the question. In the background, as this all goes on, you can see a section of the freedom fighters in the bar laughing and enjoying themselves underneath the limited lighting of the area. ROSE [to Maria]: First thing, before I get into it. Nothing big, just…something that’s been bugging me for a bit. MARIA QUINTERAS DE MERAS [Off-Panel]: What? Panel 2: We move to a close-up of Rose’s face a split second later. The facial expression and tone of voice that she displays isn’t all that different from what we saw of her in Panel 1. The only noticeable difference that can be seen at this point can be seen in her eyes which move ever so slightly up toward the revolutionary’s off-panel eye level. ROSE [curious]: “La Adelita”…how did you get the nickname? Panel 3-4: A two-part set of panels centered back on Maria after a handful of beats have elapsed. You can see in her eyes that she’s given a considerable amount of thought to the question. In Panel 3, she smirks and lets out a quick chuckle, lowering the gun that she had pointed at the two of them back down to her lap. With the weapon out of view, Maria then, in Panel 4, leans back on the chair slightly. The smirk that was visible then shifts toward more of a baseline. MARIA QUINTERAS DE MERAS [to Arthur and Rose, casually; Panel 3]: Nothing special really. It’s just a nickname one of the men gave me after saving his platoon from some loyalists a time back. It’s not exactly the toughest nickname, but it…grew on me over time. MARIA QUINTERAS DE MERAS [Cont., Panel 4]: It has a nice bit of mystery to it, even if some of my men as well as some locals try to get in my pants with “flowery songs.” Panel 5: Same setting/layout as Panel 2 a second later. She chuckles heartily at the statement, flashing a fairly wide smile as she reminisces in her mind about situations that were similar to Ms. de Meras’ while she speaks. ROSE [sympathetic chuckle]: I hear that sister… Page 11, 6 Panels- New York Military Academy, Cornwall-on-Hudson NY, October 1964 Panel 1: Cut to a profile shot showing the outside of the New York Military Academy in the middle of the night. The presence of lights can be seen in little pockets throughout the building, including the windows themselves, to signify the signs of life unseen at that moment. You can also see a little bit of light shining on the sign, showing to the reader the words “New York Military Academy” to any who pass it by. CAPTION [from Rose]: “For starters, it’s all taking place at the gymnasium of a…private high school of sorts.” CAPTION [Cont., from Rose]: “You aren’t gonna have to worry about how you’ll get there or break inside. We have it all taken care of, including Mr. Trump’s location.” CAPTION [from Arthur]: “The only thing we ask is that you wear…this little camera on you while it happens.”

Panel 2-3: We move to a close-up on a section of the guard fence going into the Academy. You can see Maria behind the fence examining it for a brief moment as she reaches for her knife holstered on her side. In Panel 3, we see an action shot of her slicing a hole into the metal fencing and moving inside. CAPTION [from Maria, Panel 2]: “Camera?” CAPTION [from Arthur, Panel 2]: “It’s nothing malicious, ma’am. Just a way to record the events for posterity—” CAPTION [interjecting from Rose, Panel 2]: “—And repeat viewing!” CAPTION [from Maria, Panel 3]: “What is this Donald Trump going to look like when I’m there? CAPTION [from Arthur, Panel 3]: “He’ll basically look the same as the video on our tricorder. Just younger and…considerably smaller.” CAPTION [from Maria; Panel 3, Caption 2]: “Alright…what about tactics when I get inside?” CAPTION [from Rose; Panel 3, Caption 2]: “That’s all yours, Adelita.” Panel 4-6: A three-part set of action shots taken over a matter of minutes, following Mrs. de Meras as she runs along the interior lawn toward a part of the building they told her to go. We see the wall where it belongs comes into view by the time we reach Panel 6. As this all goes on, you can see a set of lights crisscrossing the same area in search of the intruder along with the sound of sirens off-panel. CAPTION [from Arthur, Panel 4]: “Just as long as you don’t kill anyone you happen to go up against from that time period before meeting Donald.” CAPTION [from Rose, Panel 4]: “Though from our calculations, I’m quite certain you won’t have a great deal of issue finding out where he’ll be.” CAPTION [from Maria, Panel 4]: “What about wounding?” CAPTION [from Rose, Panel 5]: “Ummm…yeah, that should be fine.” CAPTION [from Arthur, Panel 6]: “After you’re done wiping the floor with him, you can add whatever rhetorical flourish you want to him.” Page 12, 7 Panels- Gymnasium, New York Military Academy, Cornwall-on-Hudson New York, October 1964 Panel 1: Cut to an interior shot from inside the building where we saw Maria going to in the previous page. A massive explosion can be seen moving from right to left, blurring from view the sight of another wall nearby as well as chunks of a basketball hoop that was formally attached to the wall prior to exploding. CAPTION [Cont., from Arthur]: “Which, after the fuel we gave you, I’m guessing you should have plenty of.” Panel 2: We move to the other side of the court where we see a group of young cadets in the Academy were meeting to get drunk off of a case of Budweisers that were stolen from the Mess Hall. As a result of the mystery explosion, you can see some of the cadets already running for the exits from the cloud of smoke moving towards them. All except two of them standing in the center of the shot- MARK WALL and DONALD TRUMP. Wall looks concerned by what's happened, ready to leave along with them. Donald, meanwhile, just smiles with a sense of smug bravery over whatever's coming at him. MARK WALL [amazed]: Holy crap, what the hell was that?! DONALD TRUMP [smug, to Mark]: I told you we shouldn't have stolen the General's beer. MARK WALL [Bubble 2, angry to Donald]: It was your fucking idea! Now, let's go... Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A minute later, Mark has moved over toward the door, pushing it out slightly. His head tilts back toward his friend's direction, looking to finally get him out of what he thinks is a perilous situation coming their way. The young Trump though, dressed in the Academy's standard uniform, doesn't share his concerns. His smug smile that was in place in Panel 2 only growing larger with each passing second. MARK WALL [Cont. pleading yell]: Come on!! MARIA QUINTERAS DE MERAS [ominously Off-Panel, to Donald]: Donald Trump...I come bearing a message. DONALD TRUMP [cocky, looking at the image coming toward him]: No way I'm leaving now. It may be an alien or something... MARK WALL [Bubble 2]: It could be a Russkie trying to invade New York. Panel 4: We move to a close-up on the young Mr. Trump's face a second later, turned back in the direction of his friend behind him. The cockiness from before still very well visible on his face from before. In the background, you can see the cloud of smoke and debris from the blast moving toward him, stopping in a stationary position a dozen steps away. DONALD TRUMP [Cont., ignoring Mark's last statement]: I'm gonna be fucking famous! Panel 5-7: A three-part set of panels centered on a rear shot of the young cadet walking toward what he sees as the mysterious visitor. With each preceding panel, you can see the cloud of smoke start to part, showing more of the night sky and the exterior of the Academy in the center shot via the large hole in the wall. It's not till Panel 7 that the image itself is even see whose image (and the statement from the panel before) stops Donald in his tracks after taking seven steps. DONALD TRUMP [to the "mysterious visitor," faux diplomatically; Panel 5]: Hello whoever...I'm Donald Trump. You may know my father Fred-- he's yuge in real estate in Manhattan. DONALD TRUMP [Cont., Panel 6]: I can set up a meeting with him, help ya get acquainted with our planet and all the good shit that comes with. I'm also good at cracking heads if anyone rebels or happens to gives you shit! DONALD TRUMP [overtly flirtatious/creepy; Panel 7]: If you're a lady though...I'd be more than happy to do the tour of Earth and all the...sexual customs that comes with it.

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