Sorpresa de Octobre: Page 13
Page 13, 6 Panels- Gymnasium, New York Military Academy, Cornwall-on-Hudson New York, October 1964 Panel 1-4: A four-part set of panels centered on the side of the court, showing step by step as Ms. de Meras seemingly descends from a few feet off the ground, taking the first couple of steps toward the waiting Donald (Panel 1) who doesn't suspect a thing. In the next two panels, we see her slowly make her way to the young man with his eyes closed. Throughout, you can see the inner fires of anger boiling deep within the young woman's heart as she sings, culminating in the big action shot of Panel 4 showing the revolutionary from the past giving a swift and hard kick to the young man's testicles. MARIA QUINTERAS DE MERAS [singing, Panel 1]: "Voz de la guitarra mÃa, al despertar la mañana... MARIA QUINTERAS DE MERAS [Cont.; Panel 1, Bubble 2]: "quiere cantar su alegrÃa a mi tierra mexicana" MARIA QUINTERAS DE MERAS [Panel 2]: "Yo le canto a sus volcanes a sus praderas y flores... MARIA QUINTERAS DE MERAS [Cont.; Panel 2, Bubble 2]: "que son como talismanes del amor de mis amores" MARIA QUINTERAS DE MERAS [Panel 3]: "México Lindo y Querido si muero lejos de ti... MARIA QUINTERAS DE MERAS [Cont.; Panel 3, Bubble 2]: "que digan que estoy dormido y que me traigan aquÃ" DONALD TRUMP [pained, screaming in pain; Panel 4]: GAAHHHGH!! Panel 5: Close-up slightly on the two of them a split second later. With the young Trump in the fetal position, crying in a great deal of pain, Maria glares down at her now defeated target. A wide smile painted over her face as she (and Arthur and Rose through the other end of the camera) see what happened. MARIA QUINTERAS DE MERAS [to the Donald, threateningly]: If you ever, later in life, get the idea to enter the political arena...remember the feeling now moving through orifice of your sad, disgusting body---and the proud, noble country who made it happen! Panel 6: Action shot of Ms. de Meras walking away from the scene with the front entrance of the heavily damaged gymnasium in the background. The defeated teenage Donald now completely faded from view as she walks away, confident in what she's done. MARIA QUINTERAS DE MERAS [singing]: "Que digan que estoy dormido y que me traigan aquà México Lindo y Querido si muero lejos de ti..." THE END