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Ghede: Guerrier Extraordinaire #6: Pages 21-22

Page 21, 6 Panels- Skies above the Morne du Cibao, 1992 Panel 1: Same setting as the last panel of the previous page. The layout widens back to once more to take in the rest of her body. She gazes into the middle of the tear, trying to decipher the mysterious voice coming out of it. You can see a little section of the dreamscape version of Haiti in the background, including the mountain. GHEDE [Cont., translated from French]: But I thought you were back on the Dhom, frozen in-- Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Our titular heroine raises her Molltach Minaj high over her shoulder. Her body language immediately shifting toward a defensive, attack-first posture in preparation for whatever mysterious force is going to emerge. GHEDE [Cont., to "Avain"]: Kagu, if you've hurt a single inch of Avain's body, I-- AVAIN [Off-Panel, translated from French]: Of course it's me...I appreciate the concern though, specses! Panel 3: Cut to a shot of the tear in the sky above her. We see the same type of layout that we saw in the last panel of the previous page. The only difference though is that it's from Ghede's POV, which means we don't see her in the view of the panel except for the glare of Minaj as it lowers ever so slightly back downward. AVAIN [Cont., slightly quickened and crackling]: Listen, there isn't much time. The binds of the In-Between are starting to come apart. Which means getting back out to the normal dimensional streams-- Panel 4-5: Back to our heroine a few beats later. Her sword from Panel 2 is still up above her head, though the defensiveness she showed in Panel 2 has started to go down. In Panel 5, Ghede drops it to her side as she formally shifts back toward a quizzical tone the rest of the way. GHEDE [interjecting; Panel 4]: Becomes a huge pain, if not impossible! GHEDE [Cont.; Panel 5]: So, I'll ride this tear here back to Kazzie's In-Between and finish this damn trip...right? AVAIN [Off-Panel; heavily crackily]: Trzett... Panel 6: Back to the tear in a layout very similar to the one that we saw in Panel 3. The booming voice that we had heard for most of the page has completely fallen pray to the distortion that had built up at the same part. AVAIN [Cont., to Ghede]: Izzz...Trapttz... GHEDE [Off-Panel]: Avi? Page 22, 5 Panels- Skies above the Morne du Cibao, 1992 Panel 1: Cut back to Ghede a moment later as the voice fades out into oblivion. The tear, however, still remains above her in a stationary position off-panel. She ponders the meaning behind her friend's mysterious, garbled statement. Her sword down to her side as she thinks. GHEDE [translated from Haitian Creole; to herself]: Yeah...not sure this is going to end well. Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Our titular heroine raises the sword back up in the same attack position she had in the last page. A gleaming, animalistic grin firmly planted on her face. GHEDE [Cont.]: ...For him! Panel 3-5: A three-part set of panels centered around the skies of this pocket dreamscape within the In-Between. We see from afar the black streak that represents the Haitian guerrier Ghede charging full speed toward the tear, which with each preceding panel starts to shorten in size. But not before she is able to fly inside in Panel 5 to a flash bang of white light.

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