The Boo-Ya! #5: Pages 1-2
Issue 5- "That Big-Assed Ba-Boom!" (This issue of "The Boo-Ya!" has been translated into the fascinating dumpster fire of an Earth language known as English by Djam-Sam's Windbreakers, the only sweater on the market known to actively disrupt natural wind gusts around whoever wears them, creating a protective bubble around the wearer. Available in most MX shopping units throughout the Tristellar Alliance in green, black, yeloraned and fungible for amorphous cloud species. Also check out their new line of WindBarrier towels coming next monat, just in time for Orbmas!) Page 1, 5 Panels- Skies above the pier, Moltrasio Italy Panel 1: We open with a shot over the lake of the good members of the Covert Action Team (C.A.T.) as they make their way to the target. Each one displayed in a set of metal wings, forming a line of five as they fly toward the target. The background behind them just showing the blue of the water as well as the different ships docked at the pier. PFC MOORE [from the second-to-the-left]: We have life signs, Captain. Panel 2: Cut to a shot a little lower, showing PFC Moore in full armor gazing slightly in the direction of Captain Matthews who appears toward the left of the panel view (dead-center overall of the group). Her visor is down (along with the rest of the team at this point) as she speaks, showing off a litany of information and data of the landscape that appears flipped to the viewer. Next to her, in the right side of the panel view, is Private Flynn who is considerably nervous for what's about to come. PFC MOORE [Cont., to Captain Matthews]: Four of them to be precise, half a kilometer from our current position. They appear to be in the interior bowels of the yacht. CAPTAIN MATTHEWS [to PFC Moore, looking out toward the boat]: I see it. How many are human and how many are OWIs? PFC MOORE [Bubble 2]: It looks like all of 'em, according to the readouts. CAPTAIN MATTHEWS [Bubble 2]: More aliens for us to play with...groovy! Panel 3: We move to a shot from within the bowels of the skilled super-soldiers, looking on as the "Goldmember" officially comes into view in the distance of the pier. It looks like a large gaudy golden nugget bobbing amongst the water of the river below and the partially cloudy sunny skies above in the panel view. PFC MOORE [chuckles, to Captain Matthews]: My thoughts exactly, cap'n... Panel 4: Cut to a close-up shot of Private Simms and Lieutenant Cortes on the other side of the line, watching the same area that Ms. Moore has described. The background of the blue sky that Althea occupies behind her. The Belgian holds back a bellowing laughter upon seeing the hideously gaudy yacht they're flying toward. Linda, meanwhile, doesn't laugh at the scene but rather grins at the madness soon to come. PRIVATE SIMMS [disbelieving, staying in orbit just above the yacht]: Good Lord, that's an ugly boat! It's hard to believe people from other planets would have so little taste in design. LIEUTENANT CORTES [to Private Simms, explanatory]: Maybe they've been on Earth before and picked up some of our bad habits. PRIVATE SIMMS [Bubble 2]: If that were true, wouldn't we have noticed? LIEUTENANT CORTES [Bubble 2]: Dude, ogres survived for millennia without you humans knowing we were real. Who's to say they couldn't have-- CAPTAIN MATTHEWS [interjecting, Off-Panel]: Cut the chatter, ladies... Panel 5: Cut to a close-up of the good Captain's face, along with portions of her shoulders as well as the top half of her body. Off-panel from the view of the reader, you can hear the hum of weapons starting to power up with the simple flick of a few switches as she speaks. You can also see the glow of the gold from the sisde of Conneskiz' yacht, blanketed by the visor she's wearing. CAPTAIN MATTHEWS [Cont., like a battle cry]: Time to kick some ass like it's going out of style! Page 2, 7 Panels- "Goldmember," Moltrasio Italy Panel 1-3: A three-part set of panels taken from the ground level area of the top of the yacht within a matter of a minute. In each one, you can see Capt. Matthews break off from the center and descend toward the hardwood floor. A series of laser blasts pop up on ground level from some of the heavy firearms emanating from a couple of the other commandos under her. SOUND EFFECT [Panel 2]: PHLOOM PHLOOM... SOUND EFFECT [connected to Panel 2, bleeding into Panel 3]: PHLOOM PHLAOOOM... Panel 4-5: Same setting as the previous panel. The layout moves to a slight close-up of Ms. Matthews heroically landing onto the deck of the yacht. In Panel 5, she stands up at the same moment that the wings retract back into a slim backpack that is connected to the armor each C.A.T. member wears, all ready for business in her facial expression. The sound of more laser fire can be heard in the background along with the descent of her other team members as she speaks. CAPTAIN MATTHEWS [excited, with a bright smile; Panel 4]: Gotta love that big assed ba-boom! CAPTAIN MATTHEWS [Cont., Panel 5]: Now to the aliens, in case you're listening. Which I'm pretty damn sure you are. Panel 6: Action shot of the good Captain moving in the direction of the command center to the "Goldmember." She looks around the ship, searching for any type of hiding spot that they may be at. Her hand moving toward her energy sword set to unsheath it in preparation for the battle to come. To the left of the panel view, you can see PFC Moore and Lieutenant Cortes land on the deck at the same moment she's speaking. CAPTAIN MATTHEWS [to the aliens]: I'm Captain Lauren Matthews. These bad-ass ladies and gent with me are the C.A.T. My bosses at NATO want to bring you in and parade you in front of the evening news. You can do that peacefully or the hard way with some glorious, Marvel movie-level fighting. I speak for my compatriots when I say... Panel 7: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A second later, we see Lauren unleash the energy sword from its holster with a strong red streak that slashes the air above her. A half-grin coming across her face at the same moment. To the left of the panel view, you can see a slice of the command center come into view as she speaks. Also, you can hear the thud of more boots from the rest of the team along with Lt. Cortes and PFC Moore moving behind her, both with their respective weapons at the ready. CAPTAIN MATTHEWS [Cont.]: We're hoping for the latter!