The Boo-Ya! #5: Pages 9-10
Page 9, 6 Panels- "Goldmember," Moltrasio Italy Panel 1-2: A two-part set of panels centered on the same setting as the last panel of the previous page. In Panel 1, the layout widens slightly as she turns her head to the right in the direction of the nearby command center building, following a series of pings that pop up on her visor screen. You can hear off-panel the sound of the same energy chains that contained the Madam being unleashed on Nessa. In Panel 2, after a minute of searching along the wall, Lt. Cortes discovers the desired location. LIEUTENANT CORTES [Cont., Panel 1]: Interesting... CAPTAIN MATTHEWS [from inside the Lieutenant's helmet comm, Panel 1]: What is it?LIEUTENANT CORTES [Panel 1, Bubble 2]: I'm picking humanoid lifeform with cold-blooded readings somewhere around... LIEUTENANT CORTES [Panel 2]: Here! Panel 3: Cut to Captain Matthews turning her head over her left shoulder in the direction of the nearby yacht railing. Her eyes examining another set of radar images specific to her fellow C.A.T. members, particularly the still off-ship Private Flynn. You can see a patch of clouds in the sky moving into view over the sun, providing the seasoned veteran commando with shade as she speaks. CAPTAIN MATTHEWS [to Private Flynn, with a touch of sarcasm]: Flynn, if you can stop making goo-goo eyes with mermaids for two damn seconds, I wouldn't mind having Miller back in play. Panel 4: We move to a shot of PFC Moore at the same moment this is going on, standing over Nessa's highly bound body and the barrel of sushi on her back. She looks over in the Captain's direction while untying the series of knots that hold it together. You can see a little trickle of the remaining chunks of food from the bottom of barrel start to pop into view at the top. PFC MOORE [interjecting, to Private Flynn through the same comm system the Captain's using]: Same with Big Bertha. And I don't want to find a fat glob of water in her barrels the next time I fire. PRIVATE FLYNN [through the comm, to PFC Moore]: Acknowledged, Red. Panel 5-6: We move to the outside of the ship a couple of beats later. The setting and layout is actually similar to the one that was seen near the end of the previous page when Private Flynn was swatted overboard by Nessa. In the next panel, we see the Private's wings shoot out from the water in a rush like a great geyser skyward. PRIVATE FLYNN [Cont., to PFC Moore and Captain Matthews]: On my way! CONNESKIZ [Off-Panel, Panel 6]: Shite...SHIITEE!! Page 10, 6 Panels- "Goldmember" Command Center, Moltrasio Italy Panel 1: Cut to a shot of Conneskiz' non-plussed face, gazing up at the CCTV display coming from the ceiling perched TV screen off-panel. His tiny hands working through the buttons and keyboards on the console at an increased speed, trying to activate some type of defensive feature that will help him there. CONNESKIZ [Cont.]: I was hoping the ladies could hold those C.A.T.-humans back a little longer than that. CONNESKIZ [to Moneypenny, Bubble 2]: Moneypenny, what's the status on the Q? I'd rather like to get the hells out of here before they find me. Panel 2-3: A two-part set of panels centered on the same setting and layout as the previous panel. His train of thought is interrupted in Panel 2 by the words from Moneypenny coming from within the soundproof-protected speakers. In Panel 3, Mr. Tja'Brin turns his attention toward the left side of the console, starting to move his chair in that direction at the same moment. MONEYPENNY [to Conneskiz, Panel 2]: The Q is currently inactive, sir. The rear hover engine was damaged early on in the battle. CONNESKIZ [annoyed growl, to Moneypenny; Panel 2]: Bett'n! So we're stuck here... CONNESKIZ [Cont; Panel 2, Bubble 2]: What other option do we have that don't involve me being dissected by humans in lab coats and you being gutted for parts? MONEYPENNY [Panel 2, Bubble 2]: Well, there is always the Hatch Protocol you installed in case you had any trouble with Earth authorities or the TA. It's a little more snug than the Q, but it should be nonetheless effective when it CONNESKIZ [remembering, Panel 3]: Oh yeah...yeah, it should. Panel 4: Close-up on the cunning dealer of wares a couple of beats later. The chair and the body sitting on it long stopped in the right direction of the console. His tiny fingers and hands working thoroughly in order to activate the Hatch. All the while, ignoring the cautious words from his AI coming over the speakers. MONEYPENNY [cautious, to Conneskiz]: There is, however, the potential risk of massive damage to the "Goldmember" as well as your personal collection if you activate it. Especially with the Madam and her crew still technically onboard. CONNESKIZ [dismissively]: Then move it to the safehouse in Turin. As for the ladies, I'm sure they'll be fine. MONEYPENNY [under her breath, Bubble 2]: Alright...your funeral! Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A few beats later, we see Mr. Tja'Brin putting on the finishing touches to the commands in the console. His eyes shifting barely upward toward the bodyless Moneypenny for one last comment. In the background, as he speaks, you can faintly hear the sound of booming and lazer fire coming from outside. CONNESKIZ [Cont.]: Besides, there's no chance merciful flarking Jiane I'm gonna let the police take me in to those horrid looking... Panel 6: Same setting/layout to what we saw in the page's first panel. Conneskiz' train of thought is suddenly disrupted by a ball of fire that comes from above, blasting a hole into the command center. He can be seen leaping off the chair, seeking shelter underneath the console as the chunks of wall rain down, destroying the command center in a fury of electric fire.