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Ghede: Guerrier Extraordinaire #8: Pages 21-22

Page 21, 7 Panels- Kagu-Tsuchi's Mountaintop Dwelling Panel 1: We move back to a side shot of the Haitian guerrier, gliding the long distance between her and the antagonistic body-walking god. She flashes the man a disbelieving look as she glides a little distance off the ground. GHEDE [translated from Japanese; to Kagu-Tsuchi]: Well, let's see...I survived the Water Golems you chucked at me. Panel 2-3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Ghede stops a few moments later and begins to stretch to the side in one panel, and then to the opposite side in Panel 3. It's almost as if she's preparing something grand and epic in the very near future. GHEDE [Cont.; Panel 2]: Then there were the Oiseau du feu and the rampaging Ebbos on the river ride up here, not to mention the poisoning and the dimension hopping. GHEDE [Cont., cocky chuckle; Panel 3]: Even if you throw in my captive compatriot Avi, the fact still remains... Panel 4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. With her upstage hand, she throws the blade down onto the ground, sticking the blade deep into the hardwood. You can see her eyes focused intently on the off-panel deity. The bicep on her downstage arm grows in size. GHEDE: ...You lost! Panel 5-8: A four-part set of panels centered around our heroine. In Panel 5, she goes into a flying rush toward the inhabiting Japanese water god. Her body framed like an arrow as she goes. As for Kazuo/Kagu-Tsuchi, he appears somewhat in view in the left side of the panel view in Panel 6 before appearing in the next panel just as the Haitian guerrier spears him. And in Panel 8, we see her smashing the human body into the nearby wall. GHEDE [Panel 5, to Kagu-Tsuchi]: Whatever evil plan for world domination you cooked up... GHEDE [Cont., Panel 6]: Or long-winded revenge against dear old human daddy you wanted to enact... GHEDE [Cont., Panel 7]: Consider it THWARTED! SOUND EFFECT [Panel 8]: BLAAMM! Page 22, 5 Panels- Kagu-Tsuchi's Mountaintop Dwelling Panel 1: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. A few moments pass by, and we see Ghede pull back five feet from the wall where she drove him into. The wall showing cracks in four separate directions that form an X, with Kazuo/Kagu-Tsuchi's body placed in the middle. He looks at our titular heroine with the Asson still in hand, seemingly unhurt inside the half crater in the wall, and slowly chuckles. Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Ghede stops and watches with a steadily increasing degree of confusion as the Japanese water god hidden in the body of the businessman continues chuckling. This time, it rings in a louder tone and volume that drifts above them in a visible word cloud. As this goes on, the setting begins to shake violently. Panel 3: Cut to a close-up on Ghede's face a second later. We see a visual representation of the unease that we saw only in slight changes to her body language in the previous panel. The setting around her continues the shaking at a more violent pace around her as she speaks. GHEDE [translated from Haitian Creole, muttering to herself]: Ohhh, shit...the Retou! KAZUGU-TSUCHI [Off-Panel]: All initated by you, Shōjo... Panel 4-5: Back to a shot of the possessed titan of industry in a two-part set of panels. In Panel 4, we see him push out of the half-crater as the wall and the general slice of the room the panel view catches shakes with the same power of a massive earthquake. And in Panel 5, as his feet touch the ground once more, he raises both of his arms to the sky. The wall behind him beginning to tear and rip apart in summons to his silent command. KAZUGU-TSUCHI [Cont., confident; Panel 4]: You were saying-- KAZUGU-TSUCHI [Cont.; Panel 5]: About being thwarted?!

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