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Ghede: Guerrier Extraordinaire #8: Pages 25-26

Page 25, 3 Panels- Kagu-Tsuchi's Mountaintop Dwelling Panel 1: A 1/3 paged sized panel that is focused on a full-body shot of Kazugu-Tsuchi moments later. A pool of darkness behind her is perfectly framed behind him ni the background. His body now over the gaping hole off-panel that splits the room. The glow that was seen faintly in the last panel of the previous panel has grown in power, illuminating the feet of the inhabited titan of industry. KAZUGU-TSUCHI [translated from Japanese, to Ghede; confident, in Jesus pose]: Goodbye ghost... VOICE [Off-Panel, singing faintly]: "Tremble! Your parricidal schemes Will finally recieve their reward..." Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Also the same size that we saw in the previous panel. The glow emanating from the bottom of the panel view increases, bathing more of his body in white light. The only exception is his eyes, which glow with a powerful orange-red fire reminiscent of lava. KAZUGU-TSUCHI [bellowing]: You have provided me a steady mix of annoyance and sporting entertainment. VOICE [Off-Panel, singing less faintly than Panel 1]: "Everyone is a soldier to fight you If they fall, our young heroes..." Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Also, like the previous panel, it is the same size in terms of the page. At this point, the whole of the panel view has been completely engulfed in white save for the orange-red lava eyes of the antagonist which pierce from the center of the panel view to the reader. KAZUGU-TSUCHI [Cont.]: But not even the guardians to the afterlife are immune from destiny! VOICE [Off-Panel, singing less faintly than Panel 2]: "The earth will produce new ones, Ready to fight against you!" Page 26, 5 Panels- Kagu-Tsuchi's Former Mountaintop Dwelling Panel 1: As the explosion goes on, we cut to a close-up of Ghede's face feet from where it takes place. The white just beginning to fade as the power of boom starts to subside. What we do see of our titular heroine shows a level of discovery, trying to find out what's going on through the chaos. Panel 2-3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The pure white in front of her is gone, along with the remnants of the force field that contained her which we saw ever so briefly a few pages back. Also gone are the wall and the rest of the scenery in the room. As for Ghede, in Panel 3, she finally catches view of the scene in front of her. A sly, pleased smile coming over her face at the sight. GHEDE [to Avain, translated from French, chuckling; Panel 3]: Avi, you glorious chienne... Panel 4: Cut to a shot a few moments later, showing the Haitian guerrier from her back as she flies from her spot over to a body which (judging by the clothing) appears to be that of the Japanese water god. A spear sticking out of his stomach, held by Avain who we only see from the back. You can also see ten feet below Kazuo Ozawa's body lying unconscious in the same area that he was in at the end of the previous page. GHEDE [Cont.]: I thought I heard the sweet harmony of "Les Marseilles." Panel 5: Cut to the good captain a beat later. He's standing over the defeated deity, holding the base of his Tridentis in both hands. You can see in the background over his left shoulder Ghede coming into view just beginning to make her descent once more to the ground behind him. GHEDE [curious]: I didn't know the Tridentis could rip a soul out of a human body. AVAIN [translated from French, focused/intense]: Neither did I...I just felt like stabbing something! GHEDE [Cont., sympathetic]: I've been there!

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