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The Boo-Ya! #6: Pages 15-16

Page 15, 6 Panels- Hallway, the Boo-Ya! Panel 1: We move back to a shot of Staehlia on the other side who has shifted to a clear look of puzzlement at the question, given where Robin stood only moments earlier. Her eyebrows rise up in a visual manifestation of this. The background behind her is also similar to the one we saw in Panel 3 of the previous page. STAEHLIA [confused, to Robin]: Do you mean the captain? I can take you to the command center and help return you to your home planet if you so desire. Panel 2-3: Back to a shot of Robin in a similar setting and layout to the one we saw at the end of the previous page. She lets out a slight chuckle at the assumption from the alien and shakes her head. The smile grows a little bit wider by the time we reach Panel 3 where our human protagonist realizes a question that has just re-entered her head at that second. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [pleased, to Staehlia; Panel 2]: That's fine. I'm not sure I want to go back yet, especially given how I left things back on Earth. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [Cont.; Panel 2, Bubble 2]: Not unless you've made some awesome super-soldier formula you could give me. STAEHLIA [Off-Panel, Panel 3]: I have not made such a thing, sorry. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [curious, Panel 3]: the way, what planet are you from anyway? Panel 4: Same setting/layout as the first panel of the page. Staehlia has her arms placed over her back as she speaks. Her body language and her train of thought back to the usual steady spirit that she thrives under. STAEHLIA [matter-of-factly]: I come from Titan, Saturn's moon. It can be a lovely place at times. Unless you have a proper breathing apparatus-- ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [interjecting, Off-Panel]: Wait, Saturn's Titan? There's actual intelligent life on Titan? Panel 5-6: Cut to Robin who seems genuinely geeked out by this recent discovery. Her small smile now a full, ear-to-ear grin as she speaks. The background behind her is similar to the one we saw her in back in Panel 3, though with the caveat that the stars become a little more noticeable through the windows which signify the fact that the ship is slowing down. A split second later, in Panel 6, Ms. Cartwright retains a little more composure, properly addressing Staehlia. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [Cont. to herself, gazing up toward the ceiling; Panel 5]: I had heard they had water on Titan, but I never thought there could be life... ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [to Staehlia, Panel 6]: See, this is another reason why I don't wanna leave. I've wanted to explore the universe since I was 7, but genetics and human stupidity seemingly put the kibosh on that. Page 16, 5 Panels- Hallway, the Boo-Ya! Panel 1: We move back to a shot of Staehlia a few moments later, nodding subtly in agreement to her request. You can see her start to move from the position that she had held for the past couple of pages toward Ms. Cartwright. Her arms unlock from behind her as she moves with an efficient stride. STAEHLIA [to Robin]: I can empathize with that thought, human Robin. Panel 2-3: Cut to a shot of the two of them standing next to one another moments later, Robin on the left of the panel view and Staehlia on the right, as they begin their tour at that very moment. In Panel 3, we see them in full motion for hte first time down the hallway in a casual fashion for a handful of steps. A light fashion starting to come into play between them as they speak. STAEHLIA [Cont., Panel 2]: There is a bit of, to use Earth parlance, "down time" at the moment. I can take you to the holodeck on Deck 7. There are some programs from MX-4 that you may find entertaining. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [giddily shocked, to Staehila; Panel 2]: You--You have holodecks? Holodecks are a thing?! STAEHLIA [matter-of-factly; Panel 2, Bubble 2]: For cinquinlas...centuries, as you might be more familiar. They can be used both for various forms of entertainment, including more physical and intimate ones. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [ecstatic; Panel 2, Bubble 2]: EEEEEEE!.... ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [Cont., realizing something; Panel 3]: Wait, can it also send messages to someone? Panel 4: We cut to a close-up of Staehlia's face mid-stride a second later. She looks up toward the ceiling in ponderous thought for the briefest of moments, going through the necessary calculations. You can see part of one of the windows next to her go by in the background, along with the other windows they've already passed. STAEHLIA [quick nod, curious]: Yes, it can. Why do you ask? Is there someone on Ey-arth you wish to contact, like family? Panel 5: Cut to a shot of Robin on the other side of the pairing. Her glance is down toward the floor as she walks and talks. You can see in the background the pairing of doors leading to other rooms on the ship that the two of them pass by at that moment. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [in thought]: Nah, not...not family. Just someone who's been there for me for years and has bailed my arse out on more than one occasion.

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