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The Boo-Ya! #8: Pages 1-2

Issue 8- "The Minions are Here!" (Translation for Issue 8 of "The Boo-Ya!" into the backward, hot mess of an Earth language known as English is brought to you by the 44th incarnation of The Contest. 80 prisoners from all over the Alliance duking it out all monat long for votes and a chance at freedom. You can check out the live video feeds, and vote for your favorites (as well as each weatt's theme in the Thooy'ng) at taw.contest.) Page 1, 5 Panels- Atmosphere/Docking Bay, Mientahl Panel 1: We open on a shot of the front of the Boo-Ya! as it drifts into orbit on a nearby planet a short time after we ended Issue 7. All you can see in the background is stars and a section of the diamond colored sun with its white beams that hovers around which said planet orbits. NESSA [Caption 1]: You sure we need Dr. Arxin for this job? We've got more than enough in the arsenal for a simple snag and dash. THE MADAM [Caption 2]: S'am was the one who recommended her...says she has something that'll help us get through the security scans without causing a fuss, which we deathly flarking need. NESSA [Caption 3]: True... THE MADAM [Caption 4]: Besides, I've known her for decarohtlas, since I left Athos. There are few people, outsidea you and Stahl, whose judgment I trust more than hers. Panel 2: We follow the ship a few moments later as it properly enters the atmosphere. The section of sun we saw in Panel 1 disappears from view, along with most of the stars we saw. In its place, you can see a pool of clouds that part the precise width of the ship as it descends toward the ground below. NESSA [Caption 1]: It's not S'am's judgment I'm worried about, it's the Doc's. The last time we were in her bett'n lab, she nearly had one of her guard bots take my head off. STAEHLIA [Caption 2]: We will be fine, Nessa. Personally, I am far more concerned with Ms. Robin, especially after the incident with the Kohlonite in Ervaht. Panel 3-4: As was the case with the other two panels, a few minutes later, we see the ship drift down toward a docking bay hidden amongst a desert-like patch of the planet. In Panel 4, you can see the large metal cover start to open up amongst the sea of light brown that exists in both panels' setting. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [Caption 1, Panel 3]: It wasn't intentional! How was I supposed to know the Vulcan high signal is considered a obscenity on their planet?! NESSA [Caption 2, Panel 3]: You could've just kept your mouth shut and little meat stumps to your side till you got back to the ship. THE MADAM [Caption 3, Panel 3]: Shut the hells up, the both of you! THE MADAM [Cont.; Caption 1, Panel 4]: It's long flarking done and over with. Thank the Gods S'am was able to sweep the shite up with her psychic blammo-- ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [Caption 2, Panel 4]: --Which was awesome by the way! THE MADAM [Caption 3, Panel 4]: --before it became too big a thing. Panel 5: Cut to an elevated shot showing the ship descending through the darkened hole into the subterranean lair that will be explored in due time. The sides of the background have the same type of light brown dirt color that we saw briefly in the previous couple of panels. NESSA [Caption]: Speaking of her cap'n, much as I love her...why the hells isn't she here with us? It's her plan after all, right? Page 2, 5 Panels- Cargo Bay/Docking Bay, the Boo-Ya!/Mientahl Panel 1-2: Cut to an interior shot of the Cargo Bay where we see our four heroines (Robin, the Madam, Nessa, Staehlia) standing next to each other in casual conversation, waiting as the inner gears of the doors move on to trigger it to open up. You can see an assortment of boxes to the left stacked in the generally gray metal background like blocks up to the ceiling. In Panel 2, the door opens up and a beam of light hits the interior, primarily the Madam at the center. THE MADAM [nods, explanatory; to Nessa, Panel 1]: She said she was going back to Pluto to stay in seclusion till the job's done in case one of the MP's goons tries to go after her. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [curious while nursing a black eye with a cold pack, to the Madam; Panel 1]: How exactly could he do that without tipping off one of my planet's research satellites? STAEHLIA [logically explanatory, to Robin; Panel 1]: I would imagine the same way politicians on Earth would do. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [completely understood, Panel 2]: Ah, hired stooge working undercover. STAEHLIA [nods, to Robin; Panel 2]: Particularly one Mr. Xjliang. THE MADAM [tilts her head to Staehlia, seeking clarification; Panel 2]: Who's he? Panel 3-5: A three part set of panels that center on action shot of the group walking down the long metal ramp. Each panel focuses on them, at different stages, leading to the point that they reach ground level by the time we reach Panel 5. You can see in the background of each panels part of the interior of the docking bay to wherever the ship has landed on Mientahl. STAEHLIA [to the Madam, Panel 3]: He is the Chief of Staff to Mr. Aharons, has been on the job for the past two rohtlas. STAEHLIA [Cont., Panel 4]: Mr. Xjliang is a graduate of the Alliance's Intelligence Academy. He was tapped to lead the Intelligence division before taking the job with Mr. Aharons. ROBIN CARTWRIGHT [remarks with a degree of confidence, Panel 4]: Probably wants to become an MP himself. STAEHLIA [apprehensive nod, Panel 5]: Probably... THE MADAM [to Staehlia, noticing the touch of apprehension; Panel 5]: You don't sound heavily convinced, Stahl. STAEHLIA [to the Madam; Panel 5, Bubble 2]: The evidence of his existence and curriculum vitae is logically there, from what I have read in press reports. But there is something about the man that...

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