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James Brighton , Chapter 3: Pages 19-20

Page 19, 6 Panels- Front yard, D2T2, Woodland section of Washington D.C.

Panel 1-2: A two-part set of panels that follows our two protagonists as they make their way down from the small staircase that leads to the ever fading in the background house. Tasha glances over in Panel 1 and watches as the immortal Irishman opens the flap of his bag (Panel 1) and slides the robe inside (Panel 2).

DET. RANDOLPH [to Grem, somewhat puzzled; Panel 1]: I meant to ask you earlier. How do you fit that thing in that pack you wear? GREM [nonchalantly, Panel 1]: Same as I do with everything from tools to notebooks to my groceries— GREM [Cont., Panel 2]: --magic pocket dimension. DET. RANDOLPH [scoffs, Panel 2]: “Pocket dimension?” That's impossible, we can barely crack air travel and mechanical people! There's no way you can fit all that in that little thing. GREM [remarks; Panel 2, Bubble 2]: Says the woman who just met three goblins, one of which is the premier sorceress on the East Coast. Not to mention the Lightning bird.

Panel 3: Cut to a shot of Ms. Randolph's face a second later. She nods slightly, acknowledging what she's seen. Though still quite stuck to her previous thought. In the background, you can see a little bit of the front yard belonging to the neighbors, illuminated with a touch of sun breaking through the clouds as she speaks.

DET. RANDOLPH [defensive]: Fair point. It's just...there has to be some type of logic to all of this mystical craziness.

Panel 4: We move to Grem alongside her in the concrete walkway a second later. He chuckles mildly, splitting his focus between the bag and his compadre as he speaks. In the background, you can see the other house that lies next door as well as a bay of clouds that lies above it.

GREM [warning, but also understanding of her thought]: My friend, the enemy we're up against has a whole hell of a lot things in its arsenal that could care less about your ideas of logic.

Panel 5: Back to a shot of the good Detective a beat later in a similar setting/layout as Panel 3, flashing a look of incredulity at Mr. Allen's statement. The background changes slightly as we see more of the street on the other side of the fence start to pop into view on the right of the panel.

DET. RANDOLPH [angered]: Is there a way to say that without sounding like a condescending asshole?

Panel 6: Back to Grem in a similar setting and layout to what we saw in Panel 4. He recognizes the hole he stepped in at that point, and shifts toward a more apologetic tone of voice. His eyes firmly focused in the good Detective's direction as, like the previous page, more of the street appears on the left of the panel.

GREM [defensively]: My apologies, I wasn't trying to be condescending. I was just…providing a fair warning to ya, based on bad experiences with the JBS on my end.

Page 20, 5 Panels- Front Yard, D2T2, Woodland section of Washington D.C.

Panel 1: We move to a wider shot of Grem and Tasha standing in front of the now opened gate area. His hand is already deep inside the bag, ready to pull something out at that very moment. Tasha glances in the direction of his messenger bag with a great degree of curiosity over how it works. You can see the house now off in the distance in the background.

DET. RANDOLPH [slightly accepting, to Grem]: I know you were, you just... GREM [interjecting, following on top of the thought; to Det. Randolph]: Need to frame it away from prick level next time. Yeah, usually I'm good at that. But ya work at this as long as I have...shite spills out accidentally on occasion. DET. RANDOLPH [curious, Bubble 2]: So, how do I get in touch with you, if something bad happens or if I discover new info about the case? GREM [chuckles, Bubble 2]: I have a portable comm that you can reach me on. All you have to do is tell the operator, "The Isle, please. With expediency." DET. RANDOLPH [Bubble 3]: Hahaha...really? That seems extremely Victorian to me!

Panel 2-4: A three-part set of panels, moved to the side, of the immortal Irishman (downstage on each panel) and the good Detective (upstage on each panel) moving through the doorway. In Panel 2, we see Grem flinging the Emerald Isle (in its notebook paper sized form) out toward the opened street curb, pressing the red button as he does. In Panels 3 and 4, you can see the ship just beginning to make itself into his flight-ready form as it moves from right to left in the panel view.

GREM [defensively, Panel 2]: I happen to like the Victorian age. DET. RANDOLPH [fires back, Panel 2]: Of course you do, you're white. It was a damn good time for you...still is. GREM [slight nod in agreement, Panel 3]: ...touché!

Panel 5: Cut to a shot from the rear of the two of them in front of the now fully formed Emerald Isle, resting comfortably on its wheels on the side of the road ready to fly. You can see the backs of Grem and Ms. Randolph to the reader at that moment in the same position that we saw at the top of the page. You can also see a conspicuous looking black Pontiac Streamliner in the distance to the left of the panel view.

DET. RANDOLPH [believing this would be true, to Grem]: You're going to build one of these for me, right? GREM [to Det. Randolph]: We survive all of this,'ll be under your tree next Christmas! DET. RANDOLPH [Bubble 2, in faux Irish accent]: Ha--deal, boyo! GREM [groans, Bubble 2]: Oh by Zeus, that was--noo!

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