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James Brighton Society, Chapter 4: Pages 15-16

Page 15, 6 Panels- Field, northeast Arlington Virginia

Panel 1-2: A two-part set of panels that centers on the same setting and layout as the last panel of the previous page. In each one, we see Gremlin slowly push himself upward off the ground. His bag still in one piece, and his His body sore as a result of the explosion. In Panel 1, he operates a button that detaches the plastic covering as he speaks. In Panel 2, a few moments later, you see him dusting patches of excess dirt from the bottom of his jacket.

GREM [to himself, in between groans; Panel 1]: The "Boilg-Sáb" works...thank the Gods! GREM [Cont., Panel 2]: Could've done without the busted up shoulder, but...definitely better than getting stabbed--. SOUND EFFECT [Off-Panel in the distance, Panel 2]: CLANG!

Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. After taking only a few steps forward, Grem looks out and notices something coming toward him. As he speaks, you can see his hand start to reach over in the direction of his holstered Fragarach in preparation for whatever's about to begin.

GREM [unimpressed scoff, to JBS Thug]: Hello there. A fake explosion to draw me out and kill me without any witnesses...not really that original, I gotta say. GREM [Bubble 2]: The mechanic must've given ya a horrible operating syst--

Panel 4: Cut to a shot of the Thug walking toward our hero a second later. His face, with its barely human-like features, remain stoic and without emotion. His mouth opened in a fashion similar to a puppet just before the puppeteer speaks. You can see the billow of smoke coming out from the area where the Clockwork landed.

JBS THUG [Cont., in GV Jones' voice]: The time of Magog shall come...

Panel 5-6: A two-part set of panels that focuses on a close-up of the robot's mouth moments later. In Panel 5, a pair of barrels emerge from inside the mouth aiming in the direction of the immortal Irishman. Then in the next panel, the interior of the robot warms up as if ready to open fire with the deadly contents inside.

JBS THUG [Off-Panel in same voice as Panel 4, Panel 5]: All non-believers will be cleansed!

Page 16, 5 Panels- Field/Diner, northeast Arlington Virginia/Washington D.C.

Panel 1-2: A two-part set of panels that centers on the same period of time, but taken in two different parts of the area. In Panel 1, we see an action shot of Gremlin diving out of the way of a hail of bullets, slashing some of them with a "WHOOSH!" of his extended sword. In Panel 2, it focuses on Det. Randolph as she leaps overtop a bar ducking her own spray of bullets. You can see in the background a flurry of workers and other customers ducking for cover and rushing out the back exit.

Panel 3: Cut to a shot of Natasha laying back in the interior of the bar alongside Officer Reese, weathering the endless barrage of metal being sent in that limited direction. They press against the boxes and glasses, examining as the glass and tile from the previous panel sprinkle down in front of them.

OFFICER REESE [elevated voice, to Det. Randolph]: Rampaging mecha with a machine gun...yeah, that's what my day needed! DET. RANDOLPH [elevated voice, to Officer Reese]: How many bullets do you have? OFFICER REESE [Bubble 2]: Not enough to make a dent in it.

Panel 4-5: A two-part set of panels that centers on the same setting and layout as the previous panel. A few seconds later, in Panel 4, Officer Reese turns his attention to the left toward the Detective as she reaches to her side in the midst of the lull in gunfire. In the next panel, we see her leap over the top of the bar and hurl her fully extended long bow in the direction of where the gunfire.

DET. RANDOLPH [Panel 4]: I think it's out of bullets. OFFICER REESE [Cont., Panel 4]: Now...what the hell's a Magog? DET. RANDOLPH [Panel 4, Bubble 2]: No idea, buddy. Though I think that CW could bullets OFFICER REESE [disbelieving; Panel 4, Bubble 2]: Wait, what if it isn't out of bullets? DET. RANDOLPH [smirks; Panel 4, Bubble 3]: Then you call Grem immediately. OFFICER REESE [Off-Panel, Panel 5]: Grem? The hell does he have to do with--? DET. RANDOLPH [warrior yell, Panel 5]: YAHH!

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