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James Brighton Society, Chapter 4: Page 23

Page 23, 4 Panels- Payphone, Arlington Virginia

Panel 1: We move back to the same setting and layout that opened things at the top of the page. This time though, Grem's eyes start to roll into the back of his head. The grip on the phone receiver now completely gone from his head, which have gone limp along with the rest of his off-panel body.

GREM [Cont., losing last shred of consciousness]: Just let me get the Isle and I'll be therin…

Panel 2-4: A three-part set of panels that centers on the same setting and layout as the previous panel. In Panel 2, we see him drop off into unconsciousness a second later, leaving next only the sound of a “THUD!” and the receiver swinging briefly into the center of the shot before swinging left in Panel 4. You can see a little section of a building and the street near the booth, along with a few citizens who don't notice Mr. Allen's collapse.

DET. RANDOLPH [from the receiver, Panel 3]: Grem…Grem! SOUND EFFECT [from the receiver, Panel 4]: BEEEEP!...


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