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James Brighton Society, Chapter 6: Pages 3-4

Page 3, 4 Panels- Alley, Hart Senate Office Building, Washington D.C.

Panel 1-4: A four-part set of panels that focuses on a series of action shots of our two heroes escaping the scene. In Panel 1, Tasha is seen taking out the Isle in its concealed form, flinging it forward in front of them by the time we reach Panel 2. In the next panel, moments later, we see Grem and the Detective step onto the fully unfurled ship. They fly off from the scene in Panel 4 just as the sounds of police sirens come into the scene from off-panel right.

DET. RANDOLPH [caption, Panel 1]: So, you became immortal by drinking magic Egyptian water. GREM [caption 2, Panel 1]: The "Nectar of the Gods," to be more exact. But...yeah, basically magic Egyptian water. DET. RANDOLPH [caption 3, Panel 1]: How much of it is still left? GREM [caption 4, Panel 1]: Not a whole broke apart. GREM [Cont. caption, Panel 2]: Athena drank the rest of it while I was knocked out. DET. RANDOLPH [caption 2, Panel 2]: Your immortal? DET. RANDOLPH [Cont. caption, Panel 3]: Is there any part of your life that's normal? GREM [caption 2, Panel 3]: In over a century of life, I've found normal to be completely overrated. DET. RANDOLPH [caption, Panel 4]: Anyway...

Page 4, 5 Panels- Ballroom, JBS Compound, Arlington Virginia

Panel 1: Cut to a shot of Grand Vizier Jones at the same time this is going on, dressed in an immaculate crimson red colored suit. He's standing in the middle of a ballroom next to a party planner, looking in the area of the stage that is seen off-panel at this moment. In the background of this elegant area, you can see some of the workers (Mecha and human) working on some of the decorations and the lighting.

GV JONES [to the party planner]: Have you finalized Bing Crosby's commitment for the New Year's Ball? PARTY PLANNER [nods fearfully, to GV Jones]: Almost, Grand Vizier. There's one problem. GV JONES [annoyed, Bubble 2]: What?

Panel 2: Close-up on the party planner's face a couple of beats later, showing off the man's wiry frame covered in a striped navy blue suit. The look of panic increasing in his eyes as he looks at those of his employer. He tries to cover it up as he speaks, but doesn't achieve a great deal of success. In the background, you can see a little more of the same busy pre-show preparations from staff as the previous panel.

PARTY PLANNER: also M--Mister Zukor who is having a--apprehensions about releasing his star before filming on "Going My Way" starts shooting. He want assurances that something bad isn't going to happen to him.

Panel 3-4: A two-part set of panels that moves back to the Mr. Jones in a similar setting and layout to what we saw at the top of the page. In Panel 3, he reacts to the news with an angered sigh, shaking his head. In the next panel, he looks back in the Party Planner's direction to give his forceful command.

GV JONES [to Party Planner, Panel 3]: Tell that damn kike my building is the most secure one on the Eastern Seaboard. No Axis scum or...undesirable element will come within a hundred yards of this building. GV JONES [Cont., Panel 4]: And if he squelches on our agreement, I'll screw his precious movie in the box office worse than the Supreme Court did.

Panel 5: Cut to a shot of the Planner a second later, jumping an inch off the ground and nodding slightly regards to the last part of the Grand Vizier's statement. As was the case in Panel 2, you can see another snapshot of the work being done in the room behind him as he walks out of the ballroom.

GV JONES [Off-Panel]: Now, go! PARTY PLANNER: Yes, Grand Vizier...

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