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James Brighton Society, Chapter 7: Pages 9-10

Page 9, 6 Panels- Emerald Isle/JBS Headquarters, Washington D.C./Arlington Virginia

Panel 1: Cut to a slightly elevated shot of the two of them on the ship a few moments later. Tasha looks over in Grem's direction with an elevated eyebrow, waiting to hear what "profound" answer he's set to give her. The immortal inventor, meanwhile, merely grins from ear-to-ear.

TASHA [waiting for an answer, to Grem]: Which is...? GREM [witty]: From my experience, time and a good writer. Gullibility doesn't hurt either...

Panel 2-3: We shift to a side shot that functions as a slight close-up on the face of the immortal Irishman a moment later, turning the ship once more as he speaks. You can see a little more of the tops of buildings in that part of the city behind him in the background. In Panel 3, he tilts his head slightly toward Ms. Randolph to address her properly.

GREM [Cont., Panel 2]: Whoa, hells! I don't know about you, but I need a shower and a stiff drink. GREM [to Tasha, Panel 3]: You're more than welcome to rest your heels in my study TASHA [Off-Panel, Panel 3]: You have a library? GREM [Panel 3, Bubble 2]: Aye, slipped up in a pocket dimension that I carry with me any time I move. TASHA [Panel 3, Bubble 2]: Good...

Panel 4: Cut back to Tasha in her seat, leaning back with her shoulders against the leather as she speaks. Her eyes look up toward the sky while her hair moves wildly in each direction as a result of the wind hitting them from the front of the Isle.

TASHA [Cont., pleased]: We can finally get to the bottom of who this Magog is...

Panel 5: We move to a ceiling shot looking down at a creepy cryptic looking pit with a hard rock flooring that surrounds the general area. The pit has a weird maze-like layout that aligns to three separate concrete circles that form a triangle. You can see a little bit of the bottom of the walls near the top of the panel view.

TASHA [Off-Panel caption]: "Find out what it has to do with the Society's New Year's party."

Panel 6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A few moments later, you can hear a door opening off-panel somewhere and a beam of light suddenly fill the area in a glow of yellow flowing from the top right corner of the panel view down to the mysterious maze area. You can also hear footsteps faintly in the distance from the same area.

Page 10, 4 Panels- Basement of JBS Headquarters, Arlington Virginia

Panel 1-3: A three-part set of panels that centers on the staircase, following a collection of very muscular minions dressed in the Society's crimson colored robes, carrying two vats down to the same area at the end of the previous page. On one of the vats, you can see what appears to be some type of ancient scripture written on the side of it in view of the reader.

CAPTION [Panel 1]: "The solution has been finished? CAPTION [Panel 2]: "Yes, Grand Vizier. As was the vessel." CAPTION [Panel 3]: "Are you sure this is the correct one?" CAPTION 2 [Panel 3]: "Positive, sir. It's in one piece. We followed the coordinates that the Forward Recon Team gave us."

Panel 4: Cut to another action shot moments later of the group of men carrying the two vats toward a pair of closed stone doorways that can be seen in the upper section of the panel view. You can see the rear of the minions' robes, along with the wide edges of the vats they load as they walk.

CAPTION: "We did end up losing four members of the crew transporting them from Buckingham Palace."

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