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James Brighton Society, Chapter 7: Pages 21-22

Page 21, 6 Panels- Bedroom, Grem's Apartment, Washington D.C.

Panel 1: Cut to a shot of the immortal Irishman standing in front of his bed, loading up the last of his clothes into the endless interior of his messenger bag. He looks up from the bag to Tasha standing off-panel at the door. You can see in the background from the window the sun setting outside as he speaks.

GREM [Cont., to Tasha]: She's one of the five smartest people on this planet, though the other four would insult her. She's a healer who also makes magical weapons, both of the slashy and loud "KABOOM!" variety as well as EMGs. TASHA [Off-Panel]: EMG? GREM [Bubble 2]: Explosive Magnetizer Grenades. Traps anyone with a batch of iron in their system and then--KERSLICE! A pretty handy one that could come in handy against a pair of nasty-arsed demons.

Panel 2: We move to a shot of Ms. Randolph leaning to the side of the doorway, looking at Grem with a degree of disbelief. She points to his belt to hammer her point. You can see a little section of hallway in the background leading toward the living room area in the distance.

TASHA [points to Fragarach, to Grem]: Okay...But what about that Frog thing you carry around? GREM [Off-Panel]: The Fragarach? I adore my girl...

Panel 3-4: A two-part set of panels that moves toward the same setting and layout as the top of the page. In Panel 3, he nods in agreement to the question, packing the remaining shirt as he speaks. In the next panel, a couple of moments later, Grem loops the bag over his right shoulder and starts to move toward Tasha at the door.

GREM [Panel 3]: But I made her to deal with your standard flesh-and-bone threat who can't tear me apart with their brain. GREM [Cont., Panel 4]: The times that I face one of them, that's where Mona and her skillful hands come in.

Panel 5: Back to Tasha a few moments later in the same setting and layout that we saw in Panel 2. She leans off the doorway and starts to straighten herself out as Mr. Allen moves toward her. The hand that was used to point out the sword in Panel 2 now drifts back to her side as she speaks.

TASHA [raised eyebrow]: And how good are those "skillful hands?" GREM [Off-Panel]: I've known her for over 20 years...she's the best.

Panel 6: Action shot of the two of them as they emerge from the bedroom and start to make their way side-by-side toward the living area. You can see the somewhat opened bedroom door, along with the closed door to a couple of closets as well as the bathroom in the bottom right of the panel view.

GREM [Cont., confidently]: Mona sculpted a pair of magic self-spinning swords that helped me defeat a horde of undead in Poland many moons back. Which I ended up losing in a poker game three weeks later. TASHA [understanding]: Okay, Gremlin. So when are we heading off--? GREM [Bubble 2]: We're not. You're staying here to keep an eye on Athena.

Page 22, 5 Panels- Grem's Apartment, Washington D.C.

Panel 1: Close-up on Ms. Randolph's face in the same setting and layout as the last panel of the previous page. She is visibly angered by what she views as a dismissive statement from her friend at that moment.

TASHA [offended, to Grem]: What, why?! The furball can more than take care of herself...Don't tell me you're gonna choose now to show your bullshit sexist side?! GREM [Off-Panel]: My apologies, Natasha. That is not what spurns this decision, though I can see how you think it is. It's strategy. TASHA [Bubble 2]: Strategy?

Panel 2: We move to an action shot of Gremlin taking a left turn toward the door. He turns his head in the direction of his friend, trying to calm down the spike in anger that he hears in Tasha's voice. You can see a little section of the living room couch in the background, along with part of Athena's tail as she slinks out of view toward the right of the panel view.

GREM [explanatory]: On top of what I mentioned earlier, the trip should help test out how effective Azzie's fake IDs are. Also, if I'm not back by New Year's, I need someone to get into the JBS' big Ball and save the day. I imagine your police training makes you handy in a brawl?

Panel 3: Back to the former Detective in the same setting and layout that we saw in the page's first panel, taking a few steps forward. Her attitude has softened slightly in light of the new news, though there's still a flash of anger that comes through in what she says.

TASHA [corrective]: Against pickpockets and robbers, sure...not something that crawled out of the center of fucking Hell! GREM [Off-Panel]: I've got faith you can pull it off!

Panel 4: Cut to a close-up of the immortal Irishman's face a second later. He flashes a trademark half-grin that precedes a witty comeback coming from his mouth. You can see a little section of wall in the background behind him along with a top of what appears to be a painting and a framed photograph.

GREM [witty]: Besides, those demons technically aren't from what you'd consider the Catholic Hell. They're actually from a separate level level of Hell controlled by Hades. TASHA [sarcastically, Off-Panel]: Fascinating...and unnerving.

Panel 5: Back to Tasha in the same setting and layout that we saw in Panels 1 and 3. Her right arm is extended out toward the right of the panel view in a straight line. At this point, she has come to begrudgingly sign on to Grem's idea, save for one point.

TASHA [Cont., understanding/partially accepting of the idea]: So, in this hypothetical, what kinda weapon you have around that I can use to fight the Magog?

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