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James Brighton Society, Chapter 10: Pages 13-14

Page 13, 5 Panels- Grassy Yard/Front Entrance, Undisclosed Location

Panel 1: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. Just as she's about to finish her thought, she looks up in the direction of the explosion nearby that stops her in her tracks for a split second. The building behind her from the end of the previous page is placed more distant in the background at this point.

SOUND EFFECT [Off-Panel]: WABOOM! TASHA [glances to her right]: Oh crap...that's not good. TASHA [thought bubble]: It's not Midnight, right? There's no way it should be out already, unless...screw it!

Panel 2: Action shot from sky level of Ms. Randolph continuing her forward run across the field from top left to bottom right corner of the panel view toward the monster. You can see her fidgeting around with the base of the weapon, trying to get a handle of its details while she runs.

TASHA [Cont. narration caption]: The battle's here...and I've got a pretty and powerful pea shooter. Good enough for the basics!

Panel 3: Cut to an action shot minutes later showing Tasha firing the weapon in the direction of a pair of Troia Nova soldiers standing in front of a crimson red colored truck with a tarp over the rear of it. One of which is seen returning fire with regular bullets.

TASHA [narration caption]: The closest I've got to a plan is subdue some idiots...

Panel 4: We move to an interior shot of one of the trucks minutes later, showing Ms. Randolph in the front seat trying to hot wire the automobile to get going. You can see a few more soldiers from the front window charging toward that truck, ready to fire at it within a matter of seconds as she moves.

TASHA [Cont. narration caption]: Steal their car...

Panel 5: Cut to a shot of that truck going full speed down the road, plowing through the metal gate as bullets fire at it from both directions. You can see an imposing figure off in the distance in the top right section of the panel view a pillar of smoke coming from another building next door.

TASHA [Cont. narration caption]: And hope the true stroke of genius comes before you find the scary monster.

Page 14, 6 Panels- Field, Undisclosed Location

Panel 1: We move to a shot from outside the front windshield looking in, watching Tasha multi-task between fiddling around with the weapon and keeping a steady hand on the wheel. All as the sound of the other trucks from a group of TN soldiers coming after her.

TASHA [thinking out loud, to herself]: It'd be nice if powerful compact weapons came with an instruction manual...

Panel 2: Cut to a slight close-up on Ms. Randolph a few beats later. She moves her right arm out the driver's side window, using the rearview mirror as any type of guide while she drives. You can see the glow of the headlights from the other trucks grow in intensity, brightening her facial features and body at that moment.

TASHA [Cont.]: Here we go!

Panel 3-4: A two-part set of panels that starts out in Panel 3 focusing on the weapon as Tasha fires off a round at the oncoming automobiles. In Panel 4, we move to a shot hitting the front of one of the trucks and exploding it in a ball of flames. You can see the other truck behind it turn a hard right to avoid crashing into the chunk of metal.

Panel 5: Back to Tasha in the same setting and layout as Panel 2; her arm resting on the outside of the door at that moment. She notices the damage taking place from the windshield, surprised a little by the degree of the explosion that took place behind her.

TASHA [impressed]: Mini-grenades...okay!

Panel 6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Ms. Randolph flashes a wide smile, bringing her arm and the weapon back inside the car temporarily to her lap while driving. All the while though, the window is still open in preparation for what to come next. Unlike Panel 5 though, the lights doesn't play as overpowering a role as it was in the previous few panels.

TASHA [Cont.]: I'm keeping you forever!

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