James Brighton Society, Chapter 10: Pages 21-22
Page 21, 7 Panels- Middle of Alexandria Virginia Panel 1-3: A three-part set of panels that follows the clone-Magog freeze up (Panel 1), fall to his knees (Panel 2), and tumble down face first unconsciously onto the pavement of the city (Panel 3). It’s there in Panel 3 that you can see the chunks of debris and concrete spray out as a result of the creature’s fall. All the while, the other Magog continues on toward its destination. Panel 4: Cut to a close-up on Ms. Randolph a few moments later; her dress covered in dust and sweat along with the rest of her body. She lets out a deep cough as it all goes on, looking around with squinted eyes in the direction of where the other Magog is. TASHA [trying to put together a smile]: I…need…a drink! TASHA [Bubble 2]: Where the hells Gremlin? He better not be hiding somewhere, waiting to... Panel 5: Same setting and layout as the previous panel. A few moments later, her attention is pulled to a point located to the right of the panel view upon hearing the sound of a loud explosion off in the distance. Panel 6-7: We cut to a shot of the lone Magog as it nears D.C. It’s pushed back by a ball of fire that is just beginning to rise skyward. You can see the sight of a ship moving away from the fireball with a good deal of ease. In Panel 7, just as the creature is about to land with the same “THUD!” as its doppelganger, you can see a powerful energy emanating from the ship that helps to lessen the potential devastation. TASHA [Off-Panel, Panel 7]: What's gonna happen to the Grand Vizier? Page 22, 5 Panels- The Cloak Room, Washington D.C., January 1st
Panel 1: Cut to a shot of our two heroes sitting in the bar a few hours later. Tasha is on the left of the shot drinking a tall glass of Cusha (the Divine Boom lying next to it), while Grem is to the left of the panel view with a scar under his right eye that is just beginning to heal up. As for the rest of his body, it's as sweaty and bruised and bloodied as Ms. Randolph's was. His clothes are also sweaty with holes that are visible underneath his left pectoral.
GREM [with a sigh; to Tasha]: No idea. If my past is prologue though, he'll probably slink off into the shadows behind his powerful buddies till next time. TASHA [curious, to Grem]: Couldn't we get him for, ya know...summoning a massive monster to destroy the world? GREM [Bubble 2]: You could try, aye. But a Grand Vizier never gets into the inner meats of a plan. That's what they have loyal minions for... TASHA [interjecting, Bubble 2]: To take the blame for whenever it goes south. GREM [Bubble 3]: Aye...welcome to fighting secret organizations, Natasha. TASHA [Bubble 3]: Ha! Speaking of fighting...what the hells happened in Arabia?
Panel 2: We move to a shot of Tasha a moment later, lowering the glass back to the counter. She glances over in the immortal Irishman's direction with a sympathetic glare and tone in her eyes and voice. You can see part of the counter and a few fellow drunkards in celebration behind in the background.
GREM [Off-Panel]: A lotta fire and blood, a lotta dead super soldiers, and I got stabbed on three separate occasions. TASHA [sympathetic]: Oof! Should I ask how you got stabbed, or... GREM [Off-Panel, Bubble 2]: Twice from a sword and once from a broken chunk of metal in the Terrordome.
Panel 3-4: A two-part set of panels that moves back to a close-up shot of Grem. In Panel 3, he takes a drink of his Guinness, slamming the glass down with a chuckle before speaking in Panel 4. In the course of both panels, you can see the scar from the top of the panel becoming more and more healed to the point of full health.
GREM [Cont., Panel 4]: On the plus side, I now know my blood tastes like a Hershey's chocolate bar dipped in a vat of vinegar. So...that's something.
Panel 5: Back to the former Detective in the same setting and layout as Panel 2. She laughs at the statement, which is tinged with a slightly more noticeable grimace at the mental image that comes with the last statement.
TASHA: Right...how's that Mo person? Did she survive all of that? GREM [Off-Panel]: Obviously, yeah!