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Jones St., Chapter 5: Page 23

Page 23, 4 Panels- Bathroom, Myers' Apartment, Las Vegas NV

Panel 1: Cut to an interior shot of the bathroom a few moments later. Tara pops in through the doorway, typing away his response on the phone as he moves. You can see the gray T-shirt with "You read my T-Shirt" and "That's enough social interaction for one day." underneath it through his usual vest. On the left of the panel view, you can see the same E-Mail caption box that we saw with Melanie back in Chapter 4 with "Re: Hey!" in the subject line and Melanie's username above it. On the opposite side is his energy bar which is at 60% at this point.

E-MAIL BODY: Hey there, thanks for the message. Aspergers is a form of autism that is more on the higher side of the spectrum compared to other types of autism. The "proper" term is Autism Spectrum Disorder (or ASD), but...I prefer Aspergers. Just fits me :-). Anyway, those who have it aren't great at social cues or interaction and gravitate to one thing in particular. For me it's writing, though there isn't one specific thing Aspies can groove to. It depends on their personality and whatever strikes their fancy.

Panel 2-3: A two-part set of panels that follows Mr. Myers as he crosses in front of the sink toward the toilet located off-panel left in Panel 3. The setting in both panels has been illuminated by the bulbs of the not terribly bright lights above the mirror. To the left of both panels, you can see the E-Mail continue to grow and evolve with each word he types.

E-MAIL BODY [Cont., Panel 2]: Hey there, Aspergers is a form of autism that is more on the higher side of the spectrum. The "proper" term is Autism Spectrum Disorder (or ASD), but...I prefer Aspergers. Those who have it aren't great at social cues or interaction and gravitate to one thing in particular. For me it's writing and Marvel comics, though there are a lot of other things fellow Aspies may love depending on their personality and whatever strikes their fancy. I can probably go on more, but I might end up rambling and I'm not entirely sure how much of a fan of rambling you are. E-MAIL BODY [Cont., Panel 3]: Hey there, Aspergers is a form of autism that is more on the higher side of the spectrum. The "proper" term is Autism Spectrum Disorder (or ASD), but...I prefer Aspergers. Those who have it aren't great at social cues or interaction and gravitate to one thing in particular. For me it's writing, though there are a lot of other things fellow Aspies may love depending on their personality and whatever strikes their fancy. I can probably go on more, but I might end up rambling and I'm not entirely sure how much of a fan of rambling you are. Long story short, it's nothing you should be fearful or try to walk around eggshells on (that's where the "crystal figurine" thing originated from, along with bad dating history). I'm fine, really; just a big kitten with an overactive imagination :-).

Panel 4: Cut to a shot of Tara's face a few moments later, quickly typing up the E-Mail which is just flowing out of his memory at this point. To the left of the panel view, as has been the case the whole page, you can see it being composed in real time. In the background behind his head, you can see the light brown colored wall of the bathroom.

E-MAIL BODY [Cont.]: Hey there, Aspergers is a form of autism that is more on the higher side of the spectrum. The "proper" term is Autism Spectrum Disorder (or ASD), but...I prefer Aspergers. Those who have it aren't great at social cues or interaction and gravitate to one thing in particular. For me it's writing, though there are a lot of other things fellow Aspies may love depending on their personality and whatever strikes their fancy. I can probably go on more, but I'm guessing you probably wouldn't find it all that interesting. Long story short, it's nothing you should be fearful or try to walk around eggshells on (that's where the "crystal figurine" thing originated from, along with bad dating history). I'm fine, really; just a big kitten with an overactive imagination :-).

As for the vest, it''s my stim- a way of dealing with the work and the world and its supremely annoying rubbish. I've had that one on there since I was properly diagnosed back freshman year of high school. I like the feel of the fabric, and I think it gives me a nice sort of trademark. Like Kingpin's uber white ensemble. Speaking of which...


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