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Jones St., Chapter 7: Pages 9-10

Page 9, 6 Panels- Computers, Best Buy, Las Vegas NV

Panel 1-2: Slight close-up on Melanie a few moments later, looking it over for a moment as she speaks in Panel 1. Then in Panel 2, she turns her attention to Emily who appears in the shot to the left of the panel view. The layout of each panel is in such a way that frames it from the perspective of the computer's webcam out.

MELANIE [anticipating the mother's protestations, Panel 1]: A good model...but I'm guessing your mom's not gonna be happy about the price tag. MELANIE [Cont., Panel 2]: We have some Chromebooks over here that are a bit cheaper with some of the same pluses you'd get from the Mac. EMILY [to Melanie, Panel 2]: True, but there's also the memory, which is greater than most Chromebooks.

Panel 3: Cut to a close-up on the teenaged Emily a second later; her face turning toward Ms. Haynes with a great deal of thought over confidence in the manner. You can see a blend of gray and black in the background from part of another laptop next to the Mac.

EMILY [Cont.]: Also, Apple products on the whole are the best, and I've wanted a Macbook for, like, ever.

Panel 4: Back to Melanie a few beats later in a similar type of close-up that we saw of Emily back in the previous panel. She smirks, letting out a brief chuckle at the comment. In the background, you can see a large selection of computer accessories in the distance as well as a couple of people and another Sales Associate talking there.

MELANIE [snarky]: At least till the battery goes to crap after three years... EMILY [Off-Panel chuckle] MELANIE [back to business, Bubble 2]: There is a Macbook Air available at $999 for students.

Panel 5: We move to a shot of the mother a couple of seconds later. She steps in between the two of them to give her two cents on the matter. The background shows a mix of other computer equipment placed on display across from the Macbooks.

CUSTOMER [to Melanie, uneasy]: That's still a little costly... CUSTOMER [surprised, reacting to Panel 6, Bubble 1; Bubble 2]: You'd really do that?

Panel 6: Connecting shot of Emily standing across from her mother at that point; Melanie, as a result, has been sort of pushed over to the side as this all goes on. In the background, you can see the walkway to the rest of the store as well as a DVD display for the latest season of an indeterminate TV series.

EMILY [to Customer]: I can pay for some of it later, Mom, if it's too much. EMILY [correcting, reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 2; Bubble 2]: Yeah, I'm in line for a raise at the store. I can ask for it, help pay you back. It should least a little bit. MELANIE [to Emily and Customer]: I love all of this, but before you pull the trigger, you should probably test the laptop out. In case it doesn't work out somehow. EMILY [to Melanie, Bubble 3]: Okay...

Page 10, 6 Panels- Computers/Registers, Best Buy, Las Vegas NV

Panel 1-3: A three-part set of panels that shifts toward a more bird's eye view of the three of them (Melanie, Emily and her mother) that we saw in the previous page; Emily typing away on the laptop with Melanie and the mother looking on, talking intermittently (though we don't know of what specifically). In each panel, the view pulls up further and further out, showing more of the rest of the store from that same bird's eye view.

Panel 4-6: We cut to a shot of Jayson in Panel 4, tending to the purchases of one of the customers (who we see only by the Raiders jersey they're wearing). All we hear is the sound of beeps in the first two of the three panels in the series (two per to be exact). In Panel 6, after swiping the last item, suddenly comes the sound of a door slamming hard emanating from off-panel right, craning his head in that direction.

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