Jones St., Chapter 7: Pages 15-16
Page 15, 7 Panels- EPB Bookstore, Jones St., Las Vegas NV
Panel 1: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. Just a few beats have passed, and we see Randall start reading the mystery message that Tara had eluded to. With it, the action starts to diverge into two separate strands of action operating from two separate points in time.
RANDALL [reading]: "My dear boy, for those times when your world feels out of control and ready to fly off into a black hole..."
Panel 2, 4, 6: A three-part set of panels, occupying the even sided panels of the page. Each one is focused squarely on Tanya's face typing away at the message; her face the same sickly white that comes with her cancer. You can see the background of her pillow and some of the hospital bed she's sleeping on as she reads the poem ("Distant yet Never Close" by Blanca Varela).
TANYA [Panel 2]: "Distantes y nunca tan próximos Caminamos sobre una tierra que zozobra Acostados en ella o simplemente de pie Sentimos el corcoveo del tiempo" TANYA [Panel 4]: "No se trata de llamas temibles Ni de mares ingobernables En esta tierra la mente y el cuerpo Tienen el mismo vaivén En el aire que carece de peso Ya que nada es diferente en la memoria De lo que hemos visto o imaginado" TANYA [Panel 6]: "Soñamos como vivimos Esperando sin certeza ni ciencia Lo único que sospechamos definitivo El acorde final en esta vaga música Que nos encierra"
Panel 3, 5, 7: A three-part set of panels, occupying the odd side of the remaining page's panels. Each one focuses back in the present on Randall as he reads each stanza of the poem; the emotion of the moment starts to build up slowly but surely as he speaks.
RANDALL [Panel 3]: "Distant yet never so close We walk a sinking earth Lying down on her or simply standing We feel the bucking of time" RANDALL [Panel 5]: "It's not about fearful flames Nor ungovernable seas On this earth mind and body Have the same ebb and flow In the air that lacks weight Since nothing differs in memory From what we have seen or imagined" RANDALL [Panel 7]: "We dream as we live Waiting without certainty or science The only thing we suspect beyond question The last chord in this vague music Which envelops us."
Page 16, 6 Panels- EPB Bookstore/Myers' Apartment, Jones St., Las Vegas NV
Panel 1: We move to an action shot moments later, showing Tara beginning to push himself up off the ground; Randall looking on at the development, moving a fraction of an inch in his direction while still giving him a gap of floor to operate. You can see the register and the side entrance to get behind it in the background.
TANYA [Caption 1, top left of the panel]: "A veces la duda ExplÃcita como una flor Con pétalos y señales nos induce A girar en nuestros ejes A tener sed A beber entintado labios imaginados En el odre más viejo y mortal RANDALL [Caption 2, top right of the panel]: "Sometimes doubt Explicit as a flower Persuades us with petals and signs To swirl on our axis To thirst Stained with ink to drink imagined lips From the oldest and most mortal wineskin"
Panel 2: Action shot of the two of them moments later walking past the now empty store in the direction of the elevator. They walk side-by-side with Randall's arm over Tara's shoulder as they walk. You can see parts of the bookshelves and displays in the background, along with the light and fans (the latter of which is still going) in the ceiling.
TANYA [Caption 1, top left of the panel]: "Lugar oscuro sitio de luz SerÃa el cielo en el ojo que se mira En la mano que se cierra Para asirse a sà misma En lo inmensamente abierto" RANDALL [Caption 2, top right of the panel]: "The sky would be a dark place A space of light In the eye that looks at itself In the hand that closes To clutch hold of itself Out in the immense open"
Panel 3: Cut to another action shot a few minutes later, focused squarely on the lift that brings them down from their apartment. The two of them are seen in profile through the elevator doors that are visible on the sides of the area; Randall to the right, and Tara to the left. Tara has a look of exhaustion and sadness over what had just happened.
TANYA [Caption 1, top left of the panel]: "A la postre como quien cierra un ataúd o una carta Un rayo de sol Como una espada asomará para cegarnos Y abrir de par en par la oscuridad Como una fruta asombrosamente herida Como una puerta que nada oculta Y sólo guarda lo mismo RANDALL [Caption 2, top right of the panel]: "When all's said and done like the one who closes the coffin Or a letter A ray of sunlight Will rise up like a sword to blind us And gradually open the darkness Like an unexpectedly wounded fruit Like a door which hides nothing And guards nothing more."
Panel 4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The only change compared to what we saw in Panel 3 is the fact that the doors are now fully closed to the reader; the hum of the conveyance is the only thing heard as it goes up to the top of the building.
TARA [Off-Panel]: I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was feeling off...
Panel 5: Cut to Tara sitting down on a recliner back in the apartment. He's slouched in a bit of a crouch on the seat, glancing down to the left in the direction of the coffee table (partially visible in the lower left corner of the panel view). You can see part of a wall behind him in the background, along with the bottoms of a few picture frames.
TARA [Cont., to Randall]: I thought I could get through to closing, especially after the tourist rush. But I-- RANDALL [interjecting Off-Panel]: It's okay, son.
Panel 6: Back to Randall walking out of the kitchen area, looking over in his son's direction as he moves toward the living room. He's holding a bottle of Cascade Ice in his left hand, flashing a thoroughly empathetic look on his face as he speaks. You can see some kitchen appliances near him in the background.
RANDALL [Cont.]: I should've noticed it earlier. It's just been so long since I've seen you melt down like that I guess... RANDALL [Bubble 2]: I'll do better to notice next time. TARA [Off-Panel]: And I'll do better not to hold it in next time I start getting overwhelmed.