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Jones St., Chapter 8: Pages 19-20

Page 19, 6 Panels- Third Inning, Cashman Field, Las Vegas NV

Panel 1: We move to a shot of Tara a few minutes later, leaning against a wall in the tunnel ten feet away from the section entrance where his seat is. The reverberations of the impact of the noise are still visible in his body language as he tries to regain his equilibrium once again with the aid of the clicks of his USB stick. All around him, you can see the setting seemingly vibrating as if we're watching it through a lense of constantly moving waves; a feeling that continues on through the rest of the page.

Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel; the clicks lessening in frequency, though still going. A few moments pass by, and the instability of the scene is still on full display, though he's a little better balanced than in Panel 1; his attention is pulled over to the right of the panel view by the sound of Melanie as she comes into the scene.

MELANIE [Off-Panel, curious]: Hey...!

Panel 3: Cut to a shot of Melanie a second later, moving to within a few feet of her date (who is visible in the panel's foreground) with a great deal of concern in her eyes. The clicking has stopped at this point, and the background around the two of them is populated barely with fans walking to and fro and generally ignoring the scene.

MELANIE [Cont., to Tara]: You okay, T? TARA [to Melanie]: Yeah... MELANIE [Bubble 2]: This an Aspie thing with you?

Panel 4: We move to a close-up on Mr. Myers' face a few beats later, giving a slight nod in regards to the second question from the previous panel. As was the case in the previous panel, you can see him get a little bit better compared to the top of the page; the background behind him is populated with the backs of the same people we saw in Panel 3, along with others walking the opposite direction as before.

TARA: Certain kind of noises cut into my head like a samurai sword, or a good phaser blast. I thought I could get through a chunk of the game, but-- SOUND EFFECT [Off-Panel]: BKKKUHH!

Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. His train of thought is interrupted by the sound of the bat from the previous panel, which shows up here in the form of another roar of the crowd. Tara grits his teeth, bracing for the next wave of anxiety that has rushing toward them right then and there.

TARA [groaning]: GYAAGHH! TARA [reacting to Panel 6, Bubble 1; Bubble 2]: Any appreciative!

Panel 6: Cut to a shot of the two of them a few moments later. Tara is visible to the left of the panel view, struggling to keep it together, and Melanie is to the right (with a gap in between) thinking on her feet as she watches this happen. You can see the brown brick wall behind them in the background.

MELANIE [piecing together an idea]: need any help? MELANIE [Bubble 2]: Okay, I think I might have something. It's something I use when dealing with racists, uber white people, and codebros who love to hear themselves talk.

Page 20, 5 Panels- Tara's Mindscape

Panel 1: We move to a full-body shot of Tara standing in front of a black background, dressed in the same outfit that he had on in the previous page. He moves around to the right of the panel, seemingly listening to the caption that is visible in the top left portion of the panel.

MELANIE [Cont. Off-Panel caption]: Just picture yourself all alone in an empty room, listening to a song that you really like or helps you relax. TARA [to himself]: Okay...okay! MELANIE [caption 2]: And from there...just dance!

Panel 2-4: A three-part set of panels that focus on the same setting and layout as the first panel. In each one, as the song ("People Are Strange" by The Doors) goes on, you can see the young man dance (albeit awkwardly) to the melody of the song that floats up at the top of all three panels. It's in Panel 4 that we see the setting start to brighten somewhat and form some type of real-world setup.

MELANIE [caption, Panel 2]: Doesn't matter how well the dancing looks just as long as you do what you consider dancing. MELANIE [caption, Panel 3]: Ideally, whatever emotion you're feeling (anxiety in this case) should be at least somewhat under control till you can get a handle on everything. MELANIE [Cont. caption, Panel 4]: It may not work for you, but...doesn't hurt to give it a shot.

Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. As he finishes dancing, you can see the setting that was faintly visible in Panel 4 come into greater focus, revealing the interior of some type of diner somewhere.

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