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Golden Gate Comic Con, Chapter 1: Pages 23-24


PANEL 1-2: Back to Adam in a straight-on version of the same setting as Panel 5. He nods slightly at the statement, turning his head back out in front. In the next panel, we see the young man lift the iPad up to chest level; his other hand starting to take off the two earbuds.

ADAM [to Passenger, Panel 1]: Okay...thank you! ADAM [thought bubble, Panel 1]: Coulda just said no, and spare me the BS about "goggles." It's just a few stupid feet--! ADAM [Off-Panel caption, Panel 2]: Hey, Dad...


PANEL 3: Cut to a shot of 20-year-old Adam later that day, moving through the doorway into a hospital room, holding something in a bag from the Comic-Con; the hallway to a section of the hospital visible in the background, along with the closed door to a room across from them. You can see part of the pale tan colored walls to each side.

ADAM [Cont. timidly]: You still awake? OWEN [Off-Panel, weakly]: Hey...yeah, I am!

PANEL 4: We move to a shot of his father, OWEN DE CONNICK, nodding while sitting in a hospital bed with the covers pulled up to his shoulders. His eyes are barely opened and looking over in the direction of his son as he moves to his bedside. You can see the mattress and the pillow behind him in the background.

OWEN [Cont., to Adam]: Good to see you, son! How are you?

PANEL 5: Back to Adam a few beats later, pulling up one of the chairs near his bedside to sit down while addressing his dad; the bag of stuff swinging back and forth in his right hand. You can see a little more of the interior of the room in the background, including the bathroom and the TV as well as the fully closed door that came in.

ADAM: I'm good. I'm sorry I couldn't be here sooner. The BART heading back was a bit slower than usual due to some lazy, daft Con-goers who didn't come in as well-prepared for afterwards as they should... OWEN [interjecting, Off-Panel]: It's alright, son. No need for an explanation.

PANEL 6: Back to Owen in the same setting/layout as Panel 4. You can see the glint of fatherly love come through his weary, sick eyes as he speaks; his body just beginning to push itself up to more of a 90-degree angle with his back to the wall as much as he possibly can.

OWEN [Cont.]: The important part is that you made it.


PANEL 1: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. For the first time, he notices the plastic bag on his son's lap; the smile growing a little more brighter pondering what's inside it.

OWEN [excited, after a hard cough]: ...You got the autographs?

PANEL 2: Back to Adam again, seated in an aqua blue-green chair near his dad's bedside. As he speaks, you can see him reaching into the bag with his left hand to pull something out. You can see the top of a Funko! Pop box from within the bag, though not enough to determine what is inside it.

ADAM [nods, to Owen]: Yep. Took a bit of work, and more than a few audio and smell triggers, but I got 'em.

PANEL 3-4: A two-part set of panels, split on the same shot of Owen's bed a couple of seconds later. In Panel 3, we see an autographed photo of Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard from "Star Trek: First Contact." And on the right side, in Panel 4, it's a shot of Kate Mulgrew as Captain Janeway taken from the second season of "Star Trek: Voyager."

ADAM [Cont., Off-Panel; Panel 4]: Autographs from your two favorite Starfleet captains.

PANEL 5: Back to Adam in the same setting/layout as Panel 2. He lowers the bag on the ground to the base of his chair; his head tilted up in his dad's direction to speak to him directly.

ADAM [curious]: It always surprised me, when I was a kid, that you weren't more of a Captain Kirk fan.

PANEL 6: Back to Owen in the same body positioning that we saw at the top of the page, holding both of the photos in a stacked position in his hands. He smirks a bit at the remark, showing a little more flash of life to his son as he speaks.

OWEN: Not that much of a surprise- Picard and Janeway were closer to my personality and way of thinking in the world than he did. Besides, from the few TOS episodes I saw growing up, I thought Captain Kirk was kind of a dick.

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