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Golden Gate Comic Con, Chapter 2: Pages 7-8


PANEL 1: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. A few beats later, you can see Mr. de Connick change his path to his left in the direction of the Baggage Claim station, which comes into more prominence on the left side of the panel view. You can see the line of people is considerably larger than the one for Currency Translation.

ADAM [Cont., thought bubble]: I know it's a probably fruitless endeavor, but it provides a nice distraction from other things that I...genuinely do not feel like dealing with now.

PANEL 2-4: A three-part set of panels that focus on the young man a few moments later as he enters the very end of the line. Each panel, you can see him move closer and closer to the front; the interior of the kiosk area more visible by the time we reach Panel 4. You can also see Adam's sense of boredom increases as the time in line grows.

CAPTION [Panel 2]: 10 Minutes Later CAPTION [Panel 3]: 20 Minutes Later CAPTION [Panel 4]: 30 Minutes Later ADAM [thought bubble, Panel 4]: Good to know airport things are still an annoying pain in the ass.


PANEL 5: Action shot of Adam just a few minutes later, reaching Baggage Claim and the main touchscreen area. You can see, to the left of it, an opening the size of a standard suitcase with a black metal flap on it; the logo of the airport emblazoned in the middle of it.

ADAM [Cont., thought bubble]: Except Cinnabon. Cinnabon is just...perfection!

PANEL 6: Cut to a screenshot of the touchscreen that waits for the young man moments later, which we saw only faintly in the background of the previous panel. You can see the keyboard in the bottom of the panel view. Above that are two rectangular boxes, one next to a prompt asking to "Type in Your Full Name" and the other below that asking to "Type in Your Flight Number."


PANEL 1: Back to a shot of Adam in the same setting and layout as the second to last panel of the previous page. You can see the thought being put into coming up with the answer to the second prompt while he types away in the first one.

ADAM [to himself]: What was it again? I passed the little departure gate sign thing just a few minutes ago. I think it...

PANEL 2: Cut to a single snapshot, representative of his memory, of the "little sign thing" Mr. de Connick was referring to. On top of it reads "Gate 73A," and below that is "Flight 1412, Tokyo to San Francisco- LANDED."

ADAM [Cont., Off-Panel]: That's it!

PANEL 3: Same setting/layout as Panel 1. The thought that was evident on the young man's face has now changed to one of inspired excitement as he moves on to finishing the rest of the opening screen's instructions.

ADAM [snarky]: Okay, now for the eventual shattering of hope...

PANEL 4-5: We move to a shot of the screen once more; the layout similar to the last panel of the previous page. In Panel 4, with the boxes full, you can see Adam's finger clicking on the "Enter" key on the touchscreen keyboard. In Panel 5, a few seconds later, the screen changes and it reads "1 Piece Found- Metal Roller Suitcase."

PANEL 6: Back to Adam in the same setting/layout as Panel 3. The news that was visible in the previous panel takes the young man by pleasant surprise as he presses the "Deliver" button that was underneath the text in Panel 5.

ADAM: Huh, it got through. Nice to be wrong! SOUND EFFECT [Off-Panel]: THUD!

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