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Golden Gate Comic Con, Chapter 7: Pages 7-8


PANEL 1: We move to a shot of the same setting as the end of the previous page, but from the rear. For the first time, we see a sign next to the doors leading into the hall proclaiming "KCLN Cosplay Contest" with the words "REGISTRATION OPEN" underneath it. You can also see a few of the other cosplayers entering the hall as Michele waits, including someone cosplaying as Susan Strong from "Adventure Time."

MICHELE [Cont., to Lil' Jarvis]: That's worth the try, right? LIL' JARVIS [from the comm, to Michele]: [sighs]...Alright. You better win this contest. The smells that hover around these kinds of contests. MICHELE [Bubble 2]: You can smell? LIL' JARVIS [Bubble 2]: No, but the stench is pungent enough that it's hard not even for me to notice. MICHELE [Bubble 3]: ...Fair point.

PANEL 2-3: Cut to a shot from inside the hall a few minutes later showing the young woman in the meat of the line alongside some of the other would-be competitors in the contest dressed as Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) as well as Simona, the offspring of Marceline and Princess Bubblegum among a host of other characters/creatures. In Panel 3, another few minutes later, Michele reaches the front of the line and walks up to the desk area.

REGISTRATION HEAD [Off-Panel, Panel 3]: NEXT! MICHELE [to the Registration Head, putting on her best "Friendly Face" as possible; Panel 3]: Hi, I'm here to register for the Cosplay Contest.

PANEL 4: Cut to the desk where we see the Registration Head for the contest (a literal mechanical head with a digital interface) looking up and examining the woman's cosplay with the same skeptical glare you would find of a toxic geek skeptical of whatever new thing is being presented to their "Childhood Favorite."

REGISTRATION HEAD [to Michele]: You wearing that 'cause Cap's hot, huh?

PANEL 5: Back to a close-up on Michele's face a few beats later, shaking her head sternly in regard to the question. On the outside, she tries to keep the friendly courteousness from Panel 3. But you can see signs of an inner rage being contained within her fleshy frame as she speaks.

MICHELE [honestly]: Besides that--I actually adore the character without question. I think the Ultimate Captain America Peggy Carter series was one of the most underrated series Marvel ever put out. Not to mention the fact the person who wrote is a fellow black woman from north London. MICHELE [thought bubble; reacting to Panel 6, Bubble 1]: How the hell geeky women in the Idiaughts didn't murder men like these is just beyond me!

PANEL 6: Back to the Head in the same setting/layout as Panel 4. He rolls his digital eyes at the statement; a single metal arm is seen coming out of the right side of the panel view, pulling a square electronic device to an area between them.

REGISTRATION HEAD [with disdain]: Whatever. Here's the forms... REGISTRATION HEAD [mumbling in a lower register out of Michele's earshot, Bubble 2]: Probably only started reading 'cause of her boyfriend.


INT. HALL- Minutes Later

PANEL 1: We move to a wide interior shot of the platform inside the Hall just as the contest is about to begin. From left to right of the panel view, you can see the 12 competitors (male, female, Trans, and MAMans) dressed in a variety of different cosplays from many different movies and TV shows as well as a few mythical creatures like Unicorns and Griffins.

PANEL 2: Cut to a close-up a few moments later of Michele standing to the right of the panel view next to someone who's dressed as Doopool. You can see the hum of some type of levitating engine keeping the costume aloft. Ms. McKinney looks over at Doopool with a great deal of admiration at the person's work.

MICHELE [impressed]: That engine from an old Hermes keeping it aloft? I'd seen a lot of DIY videos online about it, but never seen one up close and in person. DOOPOOL [presented in Doop speak]: Yeah. From a '31 I found in a used car lot. It was a pain in the ass modifying it to the smaller-- MICHELE [interjecting, Bubble 2]: Uhh, dude (or dudette)...your V-Box. Gotta change it back to Eng-- DOOPOOL [presented in Doop speak]: Oh shirt. Sorry about that.

PANEL 3-4: A two-part set of panels that focus on the same setting and layout as the previous panel. In both panels, you can see the two of them start to strike up a conversation as the competition gets into full swing. In Panel 4, out of panel view, you can also see sound bubbles of applause coming from one of the competitors showing off the crowd. It's at this same point that Doopool realizes who it is they're talking to, and flashes a bright "OMG!" face.

DOOPOOL [in English, to Michele; Panel 3]: This better? MICHELE [nods, Panel 3]: Much. Cheers...always found his voice grating since his first appearance in X-Force. DOOPOOL [Panel 3, Bubble 2]: No prob. I get so wrapped up in character sometimes that I forget to switch back to English. Also, the Box has been on the fritz for awhile, and I was hoping to use the prize money to get a new one-- DOOPOOL [surprised, Panel 4]: OHHHHHH, my GOD! You're the Michele McKinney... MICHELE [slightly weirded out, Panel 4]: ...Yeah, that's me.

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