Golden Gate Comic Con, Chapter 8: Pages 15-16
PANEL 1-2: A two-part set of panels that moves back to Adam in the same setting/layout as Panel 4 of the previous page. In Panel 1, he shakes his head at the question, confident of whatever message she comes up with. He's stopped in mid-thought in Panel 2 by a sudden burp that precedes a sudden, longer vomiting spell.
ADAM [casual, to Haley; Panel 1]: Nothing I can think of. You can just put my name, Adam, and whatever you-- SOUND EFFECT [Panel 1]: STOMACH GURGLE...! ADAM [Panel 1, Bubble 2]: Whatever you think is ok-- ADAM [worried/queasy, to himself; Panel 2]: Oh nono...just a little...longer!
PANEL 3-4: A two-part set of panels that shifts back moments later to Haley in the same setting/layout as the end of the Page 14. In Panel 3, she hands the signed autograph to the young man with the same courteous smile she gives to each of her fans. In Panel 4, a split second later, she's taken aback watching as Adam runs off.
HALEY ATWELL [to Adam, Panel 3]: Here you go. Hope you're-- ADAM [interjecting, Off-Panel; Panel 3]: Thankyouverymuch...! HALEY ATWELL [Panel 4]: That's new...
PANEL 5-7: A three-part set of panels that starts out in the first couple of panels with Adam quickly running from the autograph booths through the collectibles area; the scene kind of blurring in a super-fast fashion ala the Flash. In Panel 7, the background has changed seemingly to another part of the arena, though we don't see any detail of what it looks like save for some outlines of people.
HALEY ATWELL [Cont. caption, Panel 5]: Hope he's okay!
PANEL 1: From the blurry background, the scene emerges of a pair of people dressed as pre-New 52 Flash and Uncanny Avengers-era Quciksilver; faux lighting and a rush of air from the two of them is seen hitting the other fans watching the display. To the left of the background, you can see a pair of double doors that are closed with an electric sign in the middle of one of the doors.
PANEL 2: Cut to a close-up of the door itself a split second later, particularly the sign hanging in front of the door that we partially saw in the previous panel. It reads- "Davis-Waller Auction (No Comms or Robot Bidding/Cheating System).
HOST [Caption]: The next lot up for grabs is a genuine piece of comic book film, and LGBT history...
PANEL 3: We move to a shot of the person heading up the auction, a Trans woman with ever changing rainbow hair. To the left of her, resting on a table, is a holographic image of two costumes protected in big glass cases- the one on the left is a variation of Valkyrie, and the other is a Carol Danvers one from her time in the Space Force.
HOST [Cont.]: These are the actual film ready costumes from the Marvel universe's as well as the first out Bisexual couple with substantial roles in a comic book movie, Valkyrie and Captain Marvel. Each one has been verified by multiple sources inside Marvel Studios, including the directors of Marvel's first female-led film "Captain Marvel" Ryan Boden and Anna Flick, as well as the director of "Thor: Ragnarok" and "New Avengers," Taika Waititi.
PANEL 4-5: A two-part set of panels that moves to a shot of Michele seated in Panel 4 in the middle of the audience, dressed in her regular Peggy Carter outfit. Resting on the lap of her dark skirt is some type of dark red colored paddle for the auction. In Panel 5, a few moments later, she looks over to the left, brought on by the sound of a familiar voice.
HOST [Cont. Off-Panel, Panel 4]: Now, I know it might be tempting to try putting one of these beauties on. But the leather on each of them's almost 20 years old, so--I wouldn't recommend it. Anyway, let's start the bidding at-- JENNY [Off-Panel, to Michele; Panel 5]: Shell, hey! MICHELE [partial smile, to Jenny; Panel 5]: Hey...
PANEL 6: Cut to an action shot from the side, showing Jenny entering the row where Ms. McKinney is seated at that point in time; an equally bright smile on her face as she slowly moves through the line of bodies already seated in pursuit of her female FWB.