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Golden Gate Comic Con, Chapter 8: Pages 21-22


PANEL 1: Cut to a full shot of their table a few moments later; the eyes of both Michele and Jenny glancing down toward the table as a young man (Adam) quickly slides underneath their table in a blur. You can hear out of the panel's view the sound of big cloggy footsteps thumping on the tile floor.

JENNY [surprised, to Michele]: I thought the rule at the No Name was No Fighting. MICHELE [slight correcting, to Jenny]: Sometimes, it takes a little while for the rule to get enforced. Like a referee in Football who lifts the Offside flag really late. ADAM [interjecting in a whisper]: Hello, umm...

PANEL 2: We move to a close-up of Mr. de Connick's face poking into view from underneath the table, waving with a thoroughly awkward look in his eyes as he speaks. You can see bits of the front of his green wig coming into view via the bar's light.

ADAM [Cont.]: Sorry for, uh, disrupting your date or anything. But that guy's chasing after me and, if it's at all possible, I'd--I'd love for a place to hide till the dude's-- SOUND EFFECT [Off-Panel]: SLAMM!

PANEL 3: Cut to a shot of the Cosplayer standing in the middle of the bar's dining area, dressed like Juggernaut, looking around for the person who left the sizable yellow-green stain on his stomach. You can see, by the level of metaphorical fire in his eyes, the amount of rage that has built up in the cosplayer's heart at this point.

COSPLAYER [offended, to Adam]: Gotta have some balls to think you can chunk on my brand new NV suit and not face an ungodly amount of punishment!

PANEL 4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A short time later, the bombastic Juggernaut is struck by an oval-shaped electric ball (Michele's E.V.A. ball) that drives him down to his knees. You can see the other people inside the bar cheer their approval as the threat seems to be taken down once and for all.

PANEL 5-6: A two-part set of panels that focuses back on Ms. McKinney in the same layout that we saw at the end of the previous page. In Panel 5, she watches two other workers moving to the scene to help drag the KO'd body of the Cosplayer out of the Pop-Up Bar. Then in Panel 6, Adam emerges from underneath the table to take a seat between Michele and E.V.A.

ADAM [from underneath the table, to Michele; Panel 5]: Is the guy...gone? MICHELE [nods to Adam, reaching over to get some nachos; Panel 5]: Yep, they're hauling the bastard out now. ADAM [excited; Panel 5, Bubble 2]: Yay! ADAM [Cont., Panel 6]: Thank you for the...


PANEL 1: A few moments later, we move to a shot of the two of them framed with Adam to the right and Michele to the left of the panel view. For the first time, the voice clicks something in his memory to bring on a moment of realization. The young woman, meanwhile, shares...absolutely none of these traits.

ADAM: The woman from the bathroom! MICHELE [confused]: ...What? ADAM [Bubble 2]: When I had my meltdown the--the autographs area.

PANEL 2: Cut to a shot of Adam the previous day from Chapter 7 in the bathroom stall a short time after his previous aroma related meltdown. It happens to be at the moment that Michele slides his autographed comic book underneath the door to him.

ADAM [Cont., caption]: You were the woman who came to bring me my autographed West Coast Avengers #1 copy back. You told me, if we ever met again before the end o the Con, that you'd be dressed as Peggy Carter and wearing gloves. MICHELE [caption 2]: Wow, uh...hey.

PANEL 3: Back to a shot of Adam in the present time; the setting and layout the same as what we saw in Panel 1. He points out with his right hand the ensemble that Ms. McKinney is wearing at that point in time.

ADAM [veering into rambly]: I could be wrong though, given that the gloves currently aren't glowing and the . Not to mention the look on your face which appears to be showing a belief that you think I'm crazy-- MICHELE [interjecting, Off-Panel]: I don't think you're crazy. You just...caught me a little off-guard, that's all.

PANEL 4: Cut to a close-up of Michele's face, slightly taken aback by the whole scene at this point; the nachos already in her mouth. She looks the guy over with an added touch of curiosity on top of the shock from the appearance.

MICHELE [Cont., with full mouth]: Honestly, when I said all that- I didn't think I would actually see you again. And... ADAM [Off-Panel]: Oh, okay. Understood.

PANEL 5: Back to Adam in the same setting/layout as Panel 3. He gives a slight nod, understanding (he thinks) what the rest of the young woman's statement will entail. His body language also shows this off, shifting to the right of the panel view in order to slide out of their hair in due time.

ADAM [Cont., to Michele and Jenny]: I'll leave you be. Sorry to have disturbed your date, and--thanks again for saving my butt from a kicking. JENNY [Off-Panel, to Adam]: It's okay. You don't need to split...

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