Ghost Signals, Episode 1: Part 4.2
RAIVEN (surprised, to Boltas) Bolt, I thought you were on vacay on MX-5. What's going on? You change your mind and wanna join the expedition?
BOLTAS (scoffs, shakes his head; to Raiven) Hells no! I'm ringing you 'cause I've got big news to share. You remember Amheiraq?
RAIVEN Your Joia? Yeah, I remember him. He came by yesterdatum with that batch of sweetned Vennas. I like 'im!
BOLTAS That's good to know because...
A shot of Boltas seated at a table in a restaurant somewhere on MX-5, showing off a pristine golden glove in front of his comm's camera. As he speaks, you can see Amheiraq on the other side of the table waving at Raiven.
BOLTAS (Cont., excited) He asked me to be his Hosein... and I said yes!
AMHEIRAQ (waving, to Raiven) Heya, Raive...!
A shot of Raiven where we last left her. She chuckles briefly and waves back at Amheirb upon noticing Boltas' beloved in the background.
RAIVEN (to Amheirb) Hey, Am...congrats! (back to Boltas) When's the ceremony?
BOLTAS Nearly a rohtla from now, back in my home planet Attilus. (pause) Hope you weren't wishing that I was gonna join ya if the Three okayed your Shocla.
RAIVEN 'Course not. No way someone could engage in a journey of science and plan out a Rohmna ceremony at the same time, not even one as smart as you. Besides, Cap would be quite incensed with me since I told her she'd tag along solo.
BOLTAS (chuckles, shrug) The brogueish goont's a better fit anyway. Anyway, there's another reason I'm ringing. In case you run into danger out there in the nothingness, I figured you could use a little inspiration to get back instead of just fame and fortune.
Boltas reaching into his pants pocket and pulling out a wooden ring with a series of names written in some type of alien language. As he speaks, you can see Raiven looking on with shock upon finally seeing the object in her view.
RAIVEN Wait, is that--the alqalta?
Boltas nods. Dr. O'Ozahl is taken aback by the generous offer from his subordinate.
RAIVEN I'm--touched, Bolt. But don't you have other friendos you've known longer than me? I mean, you've only been in my employ for a touch over 3 rohtlas.
BOLTAS (genuinely loving) Yeah, but the alqalta in my culture is meant to be clutched only by family. And after my mater's're the closest I got to fam still here. It only makes sense you would be the one next to me on the best nacht of my life.
Raiven smiles at the comment; a little teary glint coming over her eyes as she silently nods in regards to the question. Before she can speak though, the door opens and a short, featureless gray skinned worker (ZERO POINT) steps into the doorway. The entity tilts its head to the ceiling before speaking.
ZERO POINT (deep bellow) Dr. Raiven Taexe O'Ozahl...
BOLTAS (curious) Taexe's your middlelna?
RAIVEN (to Boltas) She's a patron saint in the Li'Freyan faith. Part trickster, part protector...
BOLTAS Huh- your parentin had a good sense of humor!
RAIVEN Yeah...
ZERO POINT (again, deep bellow) Dr. Raiven Taexe O'Ozahl...!
RAIVEN (to Zero Point) I'm coming, I'm coming! You... creepy little box of Bliuch. (to Boltas, smiling) I gotta split. See you when I get back on planet.
BOLTAS (half grin) You flarking better, Doc!
Raiven ends the call, and slips the comm back in her pocket. She turns around to face the doorway. We hear her take a deep sigh, letting out the last bit of nervous energy. You can hear out of camera view Zero Point's squeaky spongy footsteps on the tile floor. She follows a few beats later.
A ceiling shot looking down of the good Doctor walking inside an ornate looking room to a circular presentation platform in the center of the area.
A ground level shot moments later as Raiven approaches the platform, placing the tablet to her left on a circular charge pad-like station. As this happens, we see the Three seated in position on a massive tiered desk in front of her- One in the center, and Two and Three to the left and right.