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Ghost Signals, Episode 4: Part 1.2

ARU (from the earpiece, to AC Second Class Dez-Lei) Hello, ma'am- I'm functioning at 100%. None of my circuitry or OS systems have been damaged.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI (relieved, to Aru) Good to hear your voice...has she told you what the ultimate outcome of this charade is?


INT. HALLWAY, ATHENA-5- Continuous

Raiven and Dez-Lei back in the same position, along with the same camera layout, that we last saw them before. We see the soldier listening on intently to the rest of Aru's statement.

ARU (from Dez-Lei's earpiece) She wants you to let her fleshy friend Dr. O'Ozahl go, recharge their ship, and not to pursue either of them again for the remainder of their "expedition."

The AC Second Class pauses for a beat and a half before erupting in a fit of laughter.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI (to Aru) And what the hells will happen if I say no to this...meritless offer?

STEGGY (from the earpiece) So glad ya asked, Brownie...

A split second later, the sound of an alarm blares from within the earpiece, causing a great deal of aggravation with the soldier. It lasts for a few very quick beats before fading off.

STEGGY (Cont.) That sound there was your ship's stabilizers flicking off. The next one will KO your engines, sending it tumbling smackdab in the middle of the moon we're currently in orbit of.

Dez-Lei stews for a moment, holding in a ball of rage that grows in the pit of her stomach. It comes out a couple of seconds later in the form of a quick burst of laughter. AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI For a non-corporeal collection of digits, Mz. Steogsjottir, your ruthlessness and strategic acumen are better than a lot of soldiers I've fought alongside with. But there is one factor you lack that I and my comrades hold within our very bones- the ability to sense shite when presented to us!

Anticipating something bad about to happen to her, Raiven body checks the slightly taller soldier toward the wall and starts to hoof it hard in the other direction.

Dez-Lei shakes off the momentary bit of pain, raising her firearm to start firing back at the suspect.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI (envigorated) That was a thoroughly stupid move, of which I'm so happy you made!

The first blast comes a split second later; the camera shifting to the good Doctor leaping out of its way by mere inches.

RAIVEN (as she pushes herself up to her feet, to herself) You haven't seen...anything yet!

The next blast comes, momentarily interrupting her train of thought and sparking a chase that lingers on for many moments with volleys and ducking in between Raiven's next bit of dialogue.

RAIVEN (Cont., searching her pockets) Shite! C'mon--c'mon, c'mon, c'mon... (second blast) Has to be something in here I can use to... (third blast) To get out of these Votbett'n piece of shite ca...

At the fourth one, Dr. O'Ozahl is taken off her feet by the explosion and knocked out.


The AC Second Class moving up the last handful of steps to finish Raiven off.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI (respectful) Many thanks for that brief moment of exercison, albeit for pointless means on your end... (to her weapon) Let's switch up to the ivChain- get back on the ship for a nice cool drink.

She finishes walking by the end of that line. She then a second alter aims her weapon at the off-screen Raiven, and squeezes her fist (which is the equivalent of pulling the trigger) to let loose the chain from the barrel.


The floor just in front of the soldier a second later. All we see of Dr. O'Ozahl is her rolling out of view to the right; a pair of holes suddenly sprouting on the floor where her legs were.


Dez-Lei moments later, struggling to break the ivChains back out from the ground again.

RAIVEN (chuckles, V.O.) Thanks for that bit of blather, Brownie. Bought me enough time...


Raiven, with her hands now fully freed, glancing up at the soldier with a glint of adrenaline firmly visible on her face. Gripped in her left hand, you can see what looks like a medium-sized plastic bottle.

RAIVEN (Cont.) For me to do this!

The good Doctor then slams the bottom of the bottle with her right hand, unleashing a stream of orange-red goo from the top of it. The goo soon forms into a massive ball and slams right into the AC Second Class; the force of which latches her to the wall on the opposite side.

RAIVEN (as she slips the device in her pocket, walking to Dez-Lei) Say hello to the FOB. I have it on me in case I run into any repellent males on my way home. But as a follower of science... (confident smile) I'm always open to widening the perimeters of my gadgets.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI (scoffs) The boast of the non-believer... (puffed up) It will make my eventual victory all the more sweeter!

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