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Ghost Signals, Episode 4: Part 4.1


Many years later, after one of his services, we see the granpater talking with some of his parishoners in a cordial and friendly manner.

RAIVEN (Cont., Narrative V.O.) When my pater was birthed, he and the Companeon made plans to betroth the title and the parish to him in adulthood. That is, till the datum your Brownie buddies touched down...

At this particular sentence, the conversation stops; the now slightly elderly granpater's eyes fixed over to a point at the doors as a result of the sizable explosion outside. He signals the parishoners to head to the back, and moves out to the exit.


The front entrance oments later with the granpater forcefully pshing open the doors and taking a few steps outward. At the same moment, as Raiven narrates, you can see the sight of shadows emanating from the soldiers as they come into the position to confront him.

RAIVEN (Narrative V.O.) He sought to engage the soldiers in peaceful dialogue as the Holy Wimey preached. Unfortunately, the FieltCap held no desire to follow hiz lead...



A shot of Raiven's face at the tail end of her brief story; her eyes a pinkish-red color, which is the type of color that usually precedes tearful emotion in her species.

RAIVEN (Cont.) He was felled within a matter of minuyats. My granmater spent nearly a decarohlta seeking justice at the M.o.D. for hiz untimely end, but was thwarted by the achievements in heartlessness and incompetence who occupy it.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI (empathetic to a point) I sympathize greatly for the loss of your family. But you're talking about a version of the Armed Forces that doesn't exist anymore.

RAIVEN Really?

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI Absolutely! There are far fewer armed incidents on civilians than there was decarohtlas ago. Thanks in no small measure to a great many reforms in the command structure from the very same "achievements in heartlessness" you so easily criticize.

RAIVEN (humorless laugh) Tell that to the nonviolent settler colony massacred by one of your CC Units three monats back thanks to some xenophobic piece of shite--!

STEGGY (from the speakers) The full sample has been mined and sent up, Doc. Whenever you get the Danverian going, just send me the signal and I'll have Aru 'port it your way.

RAIVEN (looks up, to Raiven) Right. Cheers, Cap.

She then turns her attention to the cuffs on the AC Second Class, pressing a button in the middle of the device and taking it off.

RAIVEN (Cont. threatening, to AC Second Class Dez-Lei) Steggy has access to your bay doors and security subroutines, in case your thirst for civility dries up.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI I get the picture, Doctor. I'll be good.

Mz. de Caar waits a couple of beats before walking up to the GeneLock on the device; Raiven visible behind her in the background.

We see her slip her wrist into the device, waiting for a few moments as it scans the genetic markings both from an exterior and interior perspective. Finally, it dings approvingly.

COMPUTERIZED VOICE Subject approved...!

We move to a wide shot of the Danverian device; the doors opening from the side revealing its design for the first time, which is similar in ways to a Sodastream grown out to a size of a wall.

RAIVEN The device is live. You're up now, Aru.

ARU (from the speakers) Okay, Mz. O'Ozahl. Should be coming to you momentarily...


A close-up on the device a short time later with the sample materializing right in the middle of the shot over the course of three seconds.

We pull back to find the good Doctor catching the fully packed vial of soil before it hits the ground.

RAIVEN Thank you. (to AC Second Class Dez-Lei) What's the activation process like? Am I gonna have to go through hurdles, or is it your basic code and protocol system?

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI It's code. But it's not one you're likely to know.

The soldier reaches into a chest pocket as Dr. O'Ozahl looks on with some confusion. She pulls out a hard card from within it and heads over to the front of the device

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI (Cont., looking up at the device as she reads from the card) Hehrdos, Fuejoss, Fiaston!

At first, the device remains powerless. After a few beats, Mz. de Caar takes a couple steps toward the device and smacks the side of it; the resulting action sparks the device to life.

She then proceeds to place the card back in the pocket where she found, turning her attention to Raiven for the next set of instruction.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI You should see a hatch open up on to your left.

We shift back to Dr. O'Ozahl, walking around the left side just

as the soldier instructed her. It takes her a couple of beats

before finding the hatch in question.

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