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Ghost Signals, Episode 6: Part 3.1

RENEE (laughs) Relax! I get what you're trying to mean. Thank you... (reaches out and touches Mina's left hand; loving) Your physical bits look pretty nice, too.

The two of them share a loving look for a few moments before returning to their respective menus.

MINA They have a vegetarian burrito? Nice! Don't get (thinking pause) The last Jamaican I had was over at Sista Mary's. Not sure I wanna trust some white guy from Century City or something with it.

RENEE Understandable. I've had one here- they're pretty good. Not as great as Sista Mary's, but- pretty good nonetheless.

MINA Good to know...

Once again, there's a pause in the scene. This time, however, the scene seemingly skips a bit in terms of action.


Raiven at the console inside the remnants of the restaurant, reacting with annoyance at the skip. You can see Mz. de Caar standing behind her watching as she speaks.

RAIVEN (jiggling the console) Argh. Come on dudo...don't zero out on me now!

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI You say you've tested this machine over a dohzeen times?

RAIVEN (defensive) Obvi! We're not deadzo 'cause of that testing. What we're seeing now is just...minor Chroners. (bangs the side of the console) A nice solid whomp should right it out...!

NINA (V.O.) You didn't...!



Our daters from the past in the middle of their meals (Renee- a 1/4 Chili burger and a pina colada; Mina- vegetarian burrito and Jamaican) right in the middle of a conversation.

RENEE (nods; a bit embarrassed) My mom barged in from the other door and caught a full glimpse of my ass...

MINA (chuckles) Yikes! At least she didn't remark about it.

RENEE Actually, she complimented how round my ass was, "like your Granny." She then gave me diet pills to "give it a little firmness." So... (sighs) Most embarrassing childhood moment- right here!

MINA (takes a sip) Agreed, agreed... (places the glass down) I got you beat on most embarrassing coming out tale though.

RENEE (intrigued) That so? It'd have to be a pretty embarrassing one to beat calling out my boyfriend's sister's name during sex...while also thinking about her.

MINA (as Renee bites into her burger) I had my first orgasm to a woman while my grandmother and little brother were sitting next to me.

Renee stops mid-chew and pauses for a couple of moments; a laugh barely contained along with the chewed up snyth-meat. Then, just as quickly as it slides down her throat, she bursts out laughing.

RENEE Wow! I don't mean to laugh, 'cause it sounds extremely horrifying. I just-- (laughter settles down) I've never heard a coming out story quite that awkward before.

MINA (sighs; inner thought) Oh crap! She must think I'm some pervy weirdo now. Why did I have to tell that story? I should've just...

Her inner monologue is disrupted by the touch of Renee's hand gripping her left wrist. For a brief bit of time, you can see the inner anxiety dissipate in the young woman at this action.

RENEE It's okay...I like awkward. So, who was the one that spotted it?

MINA My grandma. All she told me was- "...Can't blame you!"

They both chuckle; a sweet moment between the two for a long beat. Then, Renee lets go of her wrist and goes back to her 1/2-eaten burger.

RENEE (Cont.) So, how old were you when it happened? What movie were you watching?

MINA I was 13 and it was that old Marvel movie- "Captain Marvel."

RENEE Oooo- I love that movie! I think I think I have an idea what scene triggered- when she goes all fiery goddess after breaking free from the Supreme Intelligence? (Mina nods) least it was a pretty good scene to do that too!

She grabs the burger with both hands and takes a big bite out of it.

MINA True, in retrospect. (shifting the conversation) So, what drew you to the theatre? I don't think you've told me that before.

RENEE I did. I mentioned it on my profile- my mom owned it before me. My grandma started it.

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