Ghost Signals, Episode 7: Part 3.1
Ms. Hayes for a brief moment to show her laughing at her friend's comment. The laughter stops a few moments later by the sound of a car stopping. She looks to the right and tenses up.
MINA That's her Lyft- are you in position?
AXE (from the phone) Will be in about...ten seconds.
MINA (wider smile) Great! Once I give the signal, start the gliders and begin the song.
AXE (from the phone) And the signal is...?
MINA It's when I say "Our basket should be coming any minute now."
AXE (from the phone) Alrighty. Best of luck!
MINA Thanks. (hangs up, slips it in her pocket)
Renee stepping out of the ride, weary and tired from the trip; her right hand slamming the door behind her as she walks. She looks over at Mina after a handful of steps and manages to put together a slight smile upon seeing her.
RENEE (curious, to Mina) Nice use of cosplay.
MINA (grins, to Renee) Thanks, my dear. Just prepping for that Fan Expo thing in April. You like it?
RENEE Love it... (warning as Mina gets closer) Before you hug me, fair warning- I fell into a bucket of fake blood this morning and it's been hovering around me all day.
MINA (slight chuckle, to Renee) Lucky me, that's my favorite smell...!
RENEE (chuckles, loving smile) You weirdo...!
The two of them embrace a split second later, and kiss for two seconds more before letting go; their arms placed over each other's waists.
RENEE (looks around for the picnic) Which spot did you find? I'm so jonesing for a glass of Genot and gaze at adorable puppos. Especially after dealing with primadonna freakin' actors all week...!
MINA Actually, this is the spot.
RENEE Oh. Even awesome...less walking time. You order the basket from our usual place?
MINA Yep I did. Our basket should be coming any minute now.
At first, Renee is a bit confused by the statement. Then, a second later, she hears the sound of a guitar playing out in the resevoir.
AXE (Off-Screen) Bebe estoy bailando en la oscuridad contigo entre mis brazos Descalza sobre la hierba, escuchando. a nuestra cancion favorita
RENEE (realizing it by the song's first line; emotional) Oh...oh my God! You sweet...
A shot of Axe playing her guitar and singing along to the rest of the song; the setting sun and the blue-orange sky profiled behind her.
AXE (singing) Cuando dijiste que te veÃas un lÃo, Susurré en voz baja Pero lo escuchaste, cariño, te ves perfecta esta noche...
RENEE (chuckles, to Mina) Oh, I needed this! The song choice is a bit cheesy, but still...
Before she can finish the rest of her compliment, the melody speeds up slightly and starts to change. It takes her a brief moment after "I'll Cover You" starts before it dawns on her.
RENEE (Cont. as Axe sings) Oh...Oh crap! This isn't about Hell Week, is it?
AXE (singing, Off-Screen) Live in my house, I'll be your shelter Just pay me back With one thousand kisses.
AXE (Cont.) Be my lover, and I'll cover you.
The camera pans out just as a set of holograms descend onto the top of the water, displaying backup dancers that represent the couple at different stages of the relationship.
AXE Open your door, I'll be your tenant Don't got much baggage, to lay at your feet But sweet kisses, I've got to spare I'll be there and I'll cover you.
By this last line of the verse, we see the Opal ring emerge from within the basket at the base of the floating platform moving slowly toward the shoreline. You can see a beautiful array of rainbow colors litter the sky above it.
Mina, as this goes on, taking a step toward her girlfriend with beaming love in her eyes and every other part of her body.
MINA (singing, though not as well as Axe) I think they meant it When they said you can't buy love Now I know you can rent it A new lease you are my love On life...