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Ghost Signals, Episode 8: Part 2.1

RAIVEN How does that work?

JARYD Each seat is made of a type of plastic that, when coated with a mix of muon particles and self-sustaining quarks, is able to retain a shape of 1/1000 of an inch wide while inside the wall.

RAIVEN Fascinating...was this something your people made as you built the town?

JARYD (shakes their head) It's actually from before the town's founding, back when life was still thriving topisde. One of the few things brought in from that era. I'd be happy to show you footage from the last production we staged.

RAIVEN Maybe a little later, after seeing the rest of the town--

Before Raiven could finish the rest of their statement, the stage lights up with the background from a rendition of a musical version of "The LEGO Movie." Steggy looks around at some of the background characters, particularly Wyldstyle, smitten at the blocky-looking characters around them.

STEGGY (to the group) Ya don't mind, I'm gonna stick around here for a little while. (giggles) This looks bloody amazing!



A shot of the group on the ground floor of the school in the hallway after completing the tour. Raiven and Jaryd are at the front of the group with the AC Second Class behind them, visible through the window between the two of them.

RAIVEN An impressive establishment of learning, Mayor. I would've loved to have spoken to the staff or the students. Get a deeper perspective from them.

JARYD I understand, Doctor, and thank you. Fortunately, our next stop provides just such an opportunity in my view.



A similar type of action shot a short time after the end of the last scene; the car growing more and more distant in the background as they speak. You can see in the sides of the shot people moving to and fro as well as the sound of chatter and music permeating the air.

JARYD Welcome to the Baz- our downtown area. There are shops, restaurants, pubs...the real beating heart of Three Angels can be found in this very place.

RAIVEN It seems like a throwback design wise, compared to what I've seen here.

JARYD That was by design. The designers modeled the Baz from old Earth photos in order to provide comfort and familiarity, which was crucial given the chaos the first citizens had seen back then.

RAIVEN What is your town's financial system? From what I remember, it was based mostly around rocks and paper.

JARYD Emphasis on "was." Now it's mostly an even distrib of services which vary based on time and individual health. No wage gap, no chance for bias- just souls helping out one another.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI (sighs) Sounds bloody miserable...!

JARYD Better than it was before. My ancestors spent their entire lives stuck in a loop of anxiety and fear under the glare of those who couldn't care less about them for the right to barely exist comfortably. From what I've read, they would take this system any day of the week.

We move to a shot of the band in an amphitheater 20 feet from them. They're playing "Killing Me Softly" by the Fugees with a degree of Spanish influence in terms of the melody played by the guitar.

JARYD (Cont., V.O.) Now we have love, harmonious balance, no one fighting one another for control or a shot at a higher standard of living. A citizenry deeply connected to the upkeep of the town on a variety of levels.


JARYD (slight grin) If you can do better, Ms. Lei, I wouldn't mind hearing it.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI I wonder if the congregants at the place of worship I saw at the Communal Center are as equally enthused about the system.

JARYD (slight pause, then realizes what she's talking about) Oh, that! Those are the Holy Brethren. They're a group of elders who meet up every couple of weeks all over town to recite holy scriptures from religions of the past as well as holy practices.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI That explains the striking beauty.

As the two of them chat with each other, the camera moves to Dr. O'Ozahl's face looking around at the citizenry with a degree of curiosity.

JARYD (V.O.) You must have caught them in the middle of Surah 41. I'm not sure if you understood it, but it has a blunt verbage that I believe you would greatly appreciate.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI (V.O.) I would love to meet one of these Brethren of yours, after the tour. Learn more about their faiths, see the connections (if any) between theirs and the all-seeing Eye.

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