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Ghost Signals, Episode 8: Part 3.1

JARYD I detect a hint of cynicism in that statement, Ms. Dez-Lei.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI Not to your people. From what I've seen, they're a good and kind people, capable of a great deal of good. Like the young Groota girl with the long braid. (notices the painting) Speaking of good...

JARYD "La Columna Rota," or "The Broken Column" by Frida Kahlo. It was the first painting we found in one piece topside after the Calamity.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI Where was it discovered?

JARYD About 15 miles from here, close to what was formerly Mexico. I suspect it was part of someone's private collection that washed up near us thanks to a tidal wave. Or possibly from another shelter somehow.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI There are more shelters like this one?

JARYD A few hundred, to be precise. I think. Not sure how many are still active, outside of our immediate vicinity- communications are still rudimentary here.


JARYD It looks like the piece speaks to you.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI (nods, moved) The subject looks very much like my mater, Ai-Jen. She spent much of her life in metal binds to her back-never lose her poise...or her beauty.


Was she ill, or was it an ailment from birth?

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI The latter. It hit certain parts of her body which would suddenly cease function and leave her immobile. The brace was the only thing that kept her body running.

JARYD Oh wow!

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI Yes... (pause, suddenly remembers) Back to business. Given your species' brief lifespans- If someone in the future holds an advantageous glare beyond your stretch of space--

JARYD (interjecting) You want assurances we'll keep peaceful long after I leave this mortal plane?

Mz. de Caar nods firmly a second later.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI It can be in written form or some type of physical representation I can bring back home to help soothe any concerns from my superiors.

JARYD (thinks) I could jot down a few brief words touting Three Angels- highlight the best bits of who we were and the potential for our future. I can also highlight doctrines I'll enact that'll help rein in any despotic instincts that might pop up.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI That's a solid plan. I'm unsure if the vid verbage would prove a success, though it's hardly sans merit.

Their conversation is interrupted briefly by the sound of a whistle coming from off-screen right.


A shot of Raiven standing twenty feet away, walking toward them as she speaks. You can see the safe firmly underneath her right arm all this time.

RAIVEN (to Jaryd and AC Second Class Dez- Lei, curious) Hola comrades. Hope I didn't miss any gorgeous pieces.

JARYD (to Raiven) We were just nearing the tail end. How did you find where we were?

STEGGY (V.O.) That'd be my doing...

Just as she asks it, Steggy appears from the good Doctor's comm as she officially joins the group.

STEGGY (Cont., to Jaryd and AC Second Class Dez- Lei) I copied the tracking sigs from the AC Second Class to your location. Sent a message to Doc here- the rest she worked on from there.

AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI (whispering looking for an answer, to Steggy) Should I inquire how you were able to track my sig?

STEGGY (whispering, to AC Second Class Dez-Lei) Once we're back on the ship, Dez.

We move to a shot of Jaryd and Raiven standing in front of each other for a one-on-one type conversation.

JARYD (observing, to Raiven) I take it from your body language you've made a decision regarding my earlier offer.

RAIVEN (quick nod, to Jaryd) Indeed I have. I'll agree to donate a genetic sample. But I have a few conditions.

JARYD (smirks, to Raiven) It's good to hear. I suspected you might attach conditions.

Raiven chuckles, and the group sets off once more through the long hallway; the others behind them checking out the artwork as they speak.

JARYD (Cont.) What do you desire?

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