Rock The Vouhhhnn!, Chapter 1: Part 4.3
Page 23
Panel 1: Back to Madison in the same setting/layout as Panel 2. A little smile comes over the left side of her face at the comment, alongside a little nod.
(Cont., from Panel 5, Bubble 2 of Page 22)
Right now though, I just want to get them to yes. Preferably without having to talk a long time.
Yeah. That definitely wouldn't end well for ya...
Panel 2: Back to Loren in the same setting/layout as Panel 3 of the previous page. As a result of her statement, you can see the proverbial light bulb of an idea come above her head.
I think I got an idea for an alternate last name. If you're a fan of puns anyhow.​
Panel 3: Cut to a gorgeous portrait-like painting of a '50s comedian performing in a night club. Above his head is his name- RED SKELTON- and in the lower section of the panel we see an approximation of who he is: "Actor/Comedian/Writer/Creator of Sad-Creepy Clowns."
Caption: (from Madison) "Harry...Skelton?"
Panel 4: We move back to Madison a few beats afterwards, pondering over the name through pursed lips. You can see more of the houses from before in the background of the shot along with another car as it passes by.
Definitely...definitely better. But what if the Skelton Estate gets litigious, thinks we're infringing on them somehow?
Panel 5: Back to Loren at the wheel a moment later, laughing loudly at the question; her face showing a sense of effortless confidence connected to it.
Page 24
Most of the Estate's dead, along with the old world's BS Copyright law system. You should be fine.
Panel 1: Back to Madison in the same setting/layout as Panel 2 of the previous page. She glances over at Loren with a slightly befuddled look on her face.
You know this...?​
Panel 2: Back to Loren in the same setting/layout as Panel 3 of the previous page. She shrugs at the question, keeping a firm grip at the top of the steering wheel as she speaks.
I had a cousin who helped draft most of the IPS policy. Besides, you really think the press today's gonna double check whether your Z's related to a century-plus-old comic?​
Panel 3: Madison nods at the second question, glancing down at the piece of paper with Harry's bio on it.
Good point. I should run through the pitch while I can before I take it to Jesse.
Page 25
Panel 1: Cut to a similarly framed shot of Nathan sitting in a doctor's office, reading a small zine. You can see a landscape portrait on the wall above him of San Jacinto Peak.
Caption: (Cont., from Madison's statement at the end of Page 24) "Also should figure out how the hell I'm gonna explain a 6'2" Gabber in my apartment."
Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. He looks up from the zine at the mention of his name from off-panel to his right.
Nathan? We're ready to see you...
Panel 3: Action shot of his face moments later, glancing in the direction of the TV in the waiting room as a story catches his eye.
Panel 4: Cut to a shot of the screen on mute showing the story that caught the young man's eye- a piece on the local news highlighting the breaking news of a zombie (HARRY SKELTON) running for Congress in Indiana.
(Off-Panel, thought bubble)
That's gonna be a trainwreck...