Rock The Vouhhhnn!, Chapter 2: Part 2.3
Page 36
Panel 1: A two-part set of panels that focuses on the same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. In the first part, Nate quickly opens the message and starts scrolling through it.
(Cont., excited)
C'mon, lucky break! I know no one says "sixth time's the charm." But I'll happily try to spread it if...
Panel 2: In the second part, upon seeing the very good news hidden within, the young man lets out a happy "HAHAA!" which occupies its own area above the speech bubble.
YAHH!! Sweet, beautiful YES! Yes, it's in Indianapolis. But it's better than many writers here. And the prize money's nice, so...
Panel 3: Cut to a shot of the phone screen showing the tail end of the E-Mail which shows the date of the "New World, New Voices Festival"- May 7th.
Couple months...I can work with that. And I don't have to put the cast together- I can work with that!
Panel 4: Back to Mr. Kelly in the same setting/layout as Panel 2. He looks up from the screen as a bus starts to park in front of him.
(thought bubble)
Especially since I don't have to put a cast together. I can even visit my old platoonmate- I think he lives in Indianapolis.
Panel 5: Action shot of Nate stepping inside the bus minutes later, slipping the phone back into the pocket where it came from. You can see one of the other passengers at the very front seat to the right of the panel view.
(thought bubble)
Oh crap, I just realized. This makes it easier for me to go for the Shift Supervisor job...
Panel 6: Cut to a shot of Mr. Kelly a few minutes later seated right around the middle part of the bus, glancing up at the ceiling. In a picture thought bubble separate from the verbal one, you can see an animated shot of him zombified in his shift manager's uniform holding a clipboard.
(Cont., thought bubble)
Well...partially easier.
Page 37
Panel 1: In a similar layout to the previous panel, we move to a shot of Madison seated at the back of the bus a day later. You can see the other seats going toward the back of the bus as well as other members of the Advance team, illuminated by the glare of the morning sun.
Panel 2: Cut to Darren on a seat across from Ms. Mitchell's, leaning forward toward her with a bit of curiosity. You can see a smattering of buildings from the windows in the background.
(curious, to Madison)
So. How's "Harry" handling the ride?
Panel 3: Back to a side shot of Madison glancing over in Darren's direction to answer his question. You can see her bag next to her on the seat, and the tablet in front of it.
Seemed fine to me before we left for the auditorium.​..
Panel 4: Cut to a shot of Harry in his cage, which is being towed behind the bus. walking around in a shambolic pace around the center of it. You can see by the lack of light coming in that the cage is protected by another protective layer.
Caption: (Cont., from Madison's statement) "I'm not his nanny!"
Panel 5: Cut back to Darren in a similar side shot nodding gently at the answer; his peripheral gaze shifting over to the left to address the underling with the second half of his line.
(to Madison)
I'd say the opposite. But I'd rather not do it in earshot of press.
(to the Speechwriter)
Is the speech ready?
Panel 6: We move to the speechwriter, JESSE, seated a few rows from the campaign chief. He glances back toward Darren to respond; his hand gripping the pen, which is hovering just above a bunch of scribbles comprising the speech.
(to Darren, assertive)
All but the bit on increased funding for public transit- should be set by the time we get there though.