Rock The Vouhhhnn!, Chapter 2: Part 3.1
Page 38
Panel 1: Cut to a shot of Madison's face as the conversation goes on to the left of the panel view; her mind elsewhere, looking out at the window at the sights to the right.
Good, good. While you're there, you should also take a look at the section on the Assault Weapons Ban re-authorization. The rhetoric's a bit strong. I wanna be sure centrists in the district aren't--
Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. As the conversation going on trails off for her moments later, a sense of sudden dread comes over her upon a sudden realization.
(thought bubble)
Oh hells! Don't tell me I forgot to pack it...
Panel 3: Action shot of Ms. Mitchell quickly going through her bag in search of something, revealing keys and books and her phone and all that on the seat around it.
(Cont., thought bubble)
It's gonna be loud, and packed to the brims (at least for an auditorium)​. No way am I gonna be able to stand it if I...
Panel 4: Moments later, we see her pull out a pair of Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones from within her bag. You can see the look of relief on the young woman's face in the background of the shot.
There it is! Oh, thank Carol!
Panel 5: Action shot of her slipping the headphones onto her head with a relieved look on her face. You can see the cushion behind her in the background, along with the rear of the bus in the distance.
Page 39
Panel 1: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. She glances back toward her bag in the direction of her phone.
Panel 2: Cut to a shot of her phone in her hand a few moments later. The screen is on and displays a basic assembly of apps and the like; an infinity symbol representing autistic pride visible as its wallpaper.
Panel 3: Slight close-up on the screen a few moments later when- with the Pandora app opened- we see Ms. Mitchell's finger hovering over the KRS-One Station ready to click on it.
Panel 4: Back to Madison in the same setting/layout as Panel 2. From within the headphones, you can hear the words of "The MC" by KRS-One flowing out to the air above her head.
"Who am I? the mc, la-di da-di..."
Panel 5: Cut to an action shot of Madison a handful of minutes later, moving the cage at the parking lot after the bus has come to a stop; the tablet attached to the side of the cage. Music wise, it's shifted to "Scenario" by A Tribe Called Quest.
Panel 6: We follow the action shot a moment later with the young woman bobbing her head up and down to the old school '90s track. You can see the fronts of cars in the background, gleaming in the morning sun.