Rock The Vouhhhnn!, Chapter 2: Part 4.3
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Panel 1: The Doctor smirks, letting out a brief chuckle at the comment. There's a degree of annoyance that permeates just underneath the pocket of laughter. You can see a section of Harry's body to the left of the panel view.
Funny. A little mean, but...
How close are you to finishing?
Panel 2: Cut to a slight close-up a few moments later resuming the last bit of stitching; his periphery glancing over at Ms. Mitchell who is writing something down on the tablet.
Give me another five minutes, and then you can start testing about.
Ah, cool. Gives me enough time to finish up these talking points I'm working on.
Panel 3: We move to a close-up on the Doctor's face a moment later. This time, he stops and glances fully in Madison's direction with a concerned look on his face.
Isn't that something the Speechwriting staff, and the Communications people, are supposed to handle?​
Panel 4: Madison glances up from the tablet's screen to silently answer the Doctor's question with a calm shrug, both answering and not answering his question.
Panel 5: Back to the Doctor in the same setting/layout as Panel 3. Taking the cue from her, he similarly dismisses any further inquiry into the matter, satisfied by what he'd seen/heard.
Ah, it's one of those deals. Hope you know what the hell you're doing.
Panel 6: Cut to an action shot of Madison silently typing away on her tablet as she had done earlier in the page. You can see the white-tan wall behind her in the background, along with the faint glow of one of the room's lights.
Caption: (from Madison's inner monologue) "Me too. I've tried to be the good soldier, bide my time and input whatever centrist drivel they give me until I get more responsibilities."
Caption: (Cont.) "But I've seen the polls. I've seen the polite 'applause' from the people in the audience- as is, the campaign's sleepwalking."
Caption: (Cont.) "Something's gotta change..."
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Panel 1: Cut to Nate in the kitchen of his apartment at the same time this is going on. He's leaning against a counter, waiting for something cooking in the microwave. You can see his phone lying screen up.
Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. His gaze is pulled down seconds later by his phone ringing its E-Mail ringtone; his left hand reaching over to grab it.
Mr. Kelly glances down at the screen a few moments later, looking at the message casually.
Panel 3: You can see sections of cabinets as well as the pale white wall behind him in the background.
(trying to scrape the answer together)
SecRecruiter- what site was that one...
(suddenly understanding)
Oh yeah, the freelance site for vets- haven't been on in months. Completely forgot I still had an account there.
Panel 4: Cut to a shot of his phone a split second later; his thumb clicking on to the link in the E-Mail [a basic link about New Jobs in the area].
(Cont., Off-Panel)
Might as well see if there's anything interesting nearby...
Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The screen is mostly white save for the address to the website at the top of the panel view ( Before he can look at it any further, there's a "DING!" that can be heard from off-panel left.