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Rock The Vouhhhnn!, Chapter 10: Part 3.2

Page 238 (Chapter 10, Page 15)

Panel 1: A full-page panel that takes place in the same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. Emerging from the top of their conversation, we see little snapshots from their various sojourns on the campaign trail. There are five in total- The two of them at HQ, etching out the first bare details of a campaign strategy, the two kind of dancing to a song outside a stop, Madison pouring an energy drink down her mouth while etching out a speech, and finally a etching during their recent trip to Lil’ Duffers.


(Singer, Snapshot #1)

“Into the Unknown…”

Caption (Singer, Snapshot #2) “Into the Unknown…”


(Singer, Snapshot #3)

“Into the Unknown…”


(Singer, Snapshot #4)


Caption (Singer, Snapshot #5)


(sound effect) Bzzztt!

Page 239 (Chapter 10, Page 16)

Panel 1: We move back to present day with Madison sitting at an empty table near the stage, watching the end of a performance as more vibrations come in from her ringing phone; her drink placed on the table next to her. There’s a smattering of applause that filters in from off-panel.

Panel 2: Same setting as the previous panel. The layout widens out slightly to show Zoe seated next to her; her focus split between her friend and the phone on the table just between the two of them.


(to Madison)

You gonna get that, Maddie?


(uninterested, to Zoe)

Probably some scammer schmuck, or Polipaps gunning for a hot scoop.


(Bubble 2)

Could be Nate trying to buzz in.

MADISON (Bubble 2)

Not sure. If it was, he would’ve used FaceTime.

Panel 3: Slight close-up on Ms. Olson’s face a few moments later. She flashes a look on her face that sees Madison’s point, but still holds on to a bit of unease in terms of whether that’s the case here.


Whatever it is, I’d guess it’s an important one. It’s been going off for an hour and a half.

Panel 4: Back to Madison a moment later. Her tone changes to one of surprise- not at the message, but more at the sudden elapsing of time.


Has it been that long?

Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Her right arm and wrist comes into view suddenly; her eyes glancing down at the watch attached to said wrist, double checking the time.


Son of a...Huh.

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