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Rock The Vouhhhnn!, Chapter 10: Part 4.3

Page 246 (Chapter 10, Page 23)

Panel 1: We move to the main procession of the swearing in ceremony; the zombie Congressman being wheeled into position in the right side of the panel view. You can see the look of shock and queasiness on the face of the Speaker of the House- a short, middle aged woman with dark blonde curls and an egg shaped face.


Oh wow…[kaff] [kaff]

Panel 2: Slight close-up on the Speaker’s face a few moments later with a little more control toward the smell; her right hand just below her chin as she speaks.


(Cont., to Rep.-elect Skelton)

Would it be offensive to ask if I wore a mask during the ceremony? The smell from the Congressman-elect is…

Panel 3: Cut to a slight close-up on Mr. Skelton a moment later. The zombie moves a little bit closer to the front of the cage, though not enough to be of any danger to the Speaker. Underneath the speech bubble is the sound of a speaker crackle that preceded the response.


(courteous, to the Speaker)

It’s perfectly fine, if you need it.

Panel 4: A two-part set of panels that moves back to the Speaker moments later; the setting and layout similar to what we saw in Panel 2. In the first part, we see her with a black N95 mask in her right hand rising up toward her face.

SPEAKER Thank you…

Panel 5: In part 2, with the mask on her face, she shakes off the nerves and apologetic tone that was evident back in Panel 2; her body straightening out a little more as she goes back to the business at hand.


(Cont., muffled through it)

Okay. Let’s begin.

Page 247 (Chapter 10, Page 24)

Panel 1: The setting and layout widens a few moments later, taking in Henry (looking over down and to the left) who is standing toward the right of the panel view. You can see a scared House Page standing in between the two of them, holding a copy of the Constitution resting on top of a stack of comic books as close as they can toward the front of his cage.


(to Rep. Skelton, coinciding with Rep. Skelton)

I, Henry Skelton, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign, domestic and undead; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same…

Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The Page suddenly drops the Constitution and comic books down in a fit of nerves; the annoyed glare coming from the Speaker as he scrambles to pick up the document at that point.


(to Speaker, defensive)

Sorry, Madame Speaker. My hands got a little...slippery.

Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A few moments later, we see the Page back in the same position that he was back in Panel 1. With the situation taken care of at this point, we see the veteran politician resume her duties once more; her eyes focused squarely at Mr. Skelton once again.


(to Rep.-elect Skelton)

My apologies, Congressman-Elect.


(to Speaker, from the speaker)

Not a problem.


(Bubble 2, coinciding with Rep. Skelton again)

I, Henry Skelton, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies- foreign, domestic, and undead; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.

Panel 4: Cut to a close-up shot of Mr. Skelton’s zombified face reacting right at the very end of the oath. You can see part of Capt. Rogers’ face at the back of the cage as well as the next member of the new House class in line behind the zombie Congressman.


(from the speaker)

I do.

Panel 5: We see, at the same time, a similarly framed shot of Ms. Mitchell seated at the House desk nearby where the oath is taking place. You can see a wide grin over her face, giving her personal answer to the same oath.


(connecting to Rep. Skelton’s bubble)

I do.

Page 248 (Chapter 10, Page 25)

Panel 1: A full-page sized shot of the Speaker flashing a Vulcan greeting at the Congressman; the flash of the photographers’ bulbs popping up sporadically around the edges of the panel view. You can see Capt. Rogers herself giving a similar greeting in response to the Speaker.


(to Rep. Skelton)

Congratulations, Congressman…


(from the speaker)

Thank you….


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