The Community, Issue 1: Part 1.2
Page 3
Panel 1: They step off the bus minutes later, glancing over at his work. You can see a few other people in masks behind them, just about to step off a few moments after he did.
(Cont., Seanna) "It's no sadder than what we've done as a nation through this whole pandemic!"
Panel 2: Seanna people watches from the parking lot; the sight of shopping carts partially visible to the left of the panel, as well as (mostly masked) customers with groceries.
Panel 3: We move to a shot, from Seanna's POV, of one of the customers ripping off his mask before moving to the driver's seat.
(satisfied, thought bubble)
Much better...FREEDOM!
Panel 4: Cut to Watkins looking on with a puzzled look on their face. In the background, you can see part of another customer walking in the same direction as them.
(thought bubble)
The amount of brain space people spend on really stupid things boggles my mind most days.​ Unless he has an actual disability that makes wearing one hard. Then that would make sense...
Panel 5: We jump to the employee lounge where Seanna places his bag into one of the lockers in the moment before officially settling into work.
(Off-Panel, to Seanna)
Heya bud...
(from their periphery, to Lynn)
Panel 6: Cut to a shot of LYNN, Seanna's friend and co-worker. She's dressed in the same work uniform as them; her hair partially shaved, the other half parted to the side and colored dark purple. At this point, she's power chugging a Rockstar energy drink with her finger stretched out in a pre-emptive shush. You can see her mask gripped by the strap on her other hand as she drinks.
(Cont., Off-Panel)
Tough night last night...?
Page 4
Panel 1: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page, a few moments later. After finishing the drink, she tosses it over at a garbage can partially visible to the right of the panel view.
(nods with a yawn, to Seanna)
She fainted in the living room at 2 this morning. Luckily it was just a blood sugar thing and not a virus thing.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 2, Bubble 1)
Yeah...She'd be in a hospital by now if I had that freakin' test we did a few days back.
Panel 2: Seanna looks on with concern at the statement, closing their locker room door without looking; their hair now up in a shorter ponytail for the job.
(knows Lynn's meaning)
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 1, Bubble 2)
They still haven't ​sent out the result?
Panel 3: Lynn stands in front of a locker as she responds, tossing her larger bag inside; a look of weary frustration on her face.
Lab says the end of the week. Though hearing what's happened with tests back East...I'm not so sure of it.
Panel 4: Back to them in the same setting/layout as Panel 2. Their hands are to their side, flashing a hopeful look connected to the words coming out of their mouth; the locker door closed behind them in the background.
She's still breathing- that's something! Who knows, maybe she doesn't have it and it's just a really bad flu bug...
Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Seanna stops speaking mid thought, pained by a sudden migraine that hits them dead to rights.
Panel 6: Lynn takes a step and a half toward her friend, stopping in order to keep a proper distance at that point. You can see a great deal of concern on her face as she speaks.
You okay?