The Community, Issue 1: Part 2.1
Page 7
Panel 1: A short time later, they are helping mop up the spice and canned food section of the aisle. Seanna has the same type of KCCO attitude; their condition worsening slowly but surely compared to the end of the previous page.
(thought bubble)
Just hold it together a little while longer- till lunch. Then I can clock out and...
Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. They stop mopping moments later upon seeing something taking place at the aisle.
(Off-Panel, to Man)
Haven't you caused enough damage, Chink?!
Panel 3: Cut to a shot of what Watkins is seeing- a pair of taller 40-something white guys moving up on a South Asian man a little bit younger than them with his daughter.
(Cont., incensed)
Your people unleashed a pandemic that kills thousands of people...
(jumping in)
Cost me my job!
(Bubble 2)
Tanked the entire freakin' economy, while you guys strut about like your shit doesn't stink.
(Bubble 2)
​You sicken me!
Panel 4: Slight close-up on the group a moment later. R#2 glares over at his compatriot with a moment of sick inspiration.
Ya know what he needs? A little moment of enlightenment. They always go ga-ga for that godless...
(Off-Panel, interjecting)
Can I help you guys with anything?
Panel 5: Cut to Seanna standing a handful of feet from the two of them. They conjure up a little bit of intimidation through the puff in their chest, though still with the charm of customer service in their eyes.
There's a sale on 6-packs of Sierra Nevada. I'm not much of a drinker, but booze is a pretty good salve for quarantine anxiety.
Page 8
Panel 1: The two of them look at each other for a brief moment, silently weighing what to do next. You can see the customer in the middle, nervously anticipating what darkness may come.
Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. R#1 nods with grated teeth, flashing an appearance of cordiality that hides the contempt for Seanna bubbling within. You can also see part of it in R#2 too as he turns back around. ​
(under their breath, directed at the customer)
Got lucky...
(to Seanna)
Fuckin' fag!
Panel 3: As the two of them leave, the customer in question looks over and nods appreciatively at Seanna for the intrusion.
(to Seanna)
Panel 4: Back to a shot of Seanna giving a silent nod along with a slight grin alongside it. You can see their right hand- gripping the middle of the mop- start to shake in place.
(to Customer)
Panel 5: Same setting/layout as Panel 3. He notices the shaking hand, and his body language shifts immediately toward one of concern.
You okay?
Panel 6: We move back to Seanna in the same setting/layout as Panel 4. They nod timidly, trying to contain inside the sickness spike bubbling inside.
(thought bubble)
Can't hold out any longer!​