The Community, Issue 1: Part 3.2
Page 15
Panel 1: Her thought is interrupted when, coming in from the left, the other person that was behind Seanna starts cutting. Ant shoots daggers at the person before they can take another step.
(to the Person)
One more step, and I turn you into a Soprano. Clean and green?
Panel 2: Action shot a few moments later of Seanna joining back in line, continuing their conversation. You can see the person from the previous panel cautiously step back to where they were, partially seen to the left of the panel view.
(grateful, to Ant)
Thanks...what's your name?
Ant. Short for Antoinette. Like I said...
(interjecting, Bubble 2)
Snazzier. I'm Seanna.
Panel 3: Slight close-up focused on the two of them a moment later back in line, continuing their chat via masks.
(pleasantly surprised)
Seanna...don't see many guy passing peeps with female names.
Yeah. It was a combination of my mom and dad's names. Thought it was fitting since "I was a little piece of each of them."
(Bubble 2)
Aww, that's sweet. ​School was probably a pain in the ass.
(Bubble 2)
Pretty much, from the moment I identified as genderfluid in middle school​. High school was just as not great.
(Bubble 2)
Same for me...
Panel 4: Action shot of the two of them moving forward from left to right at a slow pace, continuing the conversation from before.
I got through it with punk music and sarcasm. And cute femmes.
Comic books here, and dreaming I had superpowers.
(Bubble 2)
Nice. What kind of powers?
Panel 5: Close-up on Watkins a moment later, showing a slightly sentimental glare as they speak.
Immortality, no question.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 6, Bubble 1)
Super strength's nice, but...
Panel 6: We move to a similarly framed close-up on Ant's face a beat later- a little surprised by the choice.
Really? I'd go for flying or super strength.
Page 16
Panel 1: Back to Seanna in the same setting/layout as Panel 5 of the previous page. As they speak, you can see a lively spirit in terms of their overall argument.
But with immortality, you don't have to feel rushed to "do X or you failed in life." Which for me is the absolute best. Also- future tech! I love good future tech.
Panel 2: Ant counters with a sense of bluntness, unfazed by their argument overall as well as common sense hovering around one simple question.
What exactly would stop you from going full evil and wanting to take over the world?
Panel 3: Seanna scoffs at the counterpoint, rolling their eyes; the sense of spirit they had in the first panel still evident here.
Easy: I don't end up like Dr. Manhattan...
Panel 4: A short time later, the two of them move roughly a quarter of the way along the line right at the tail end of their argument.
One Seemingly Long Argument about how Jon Ostermann is low-key the worst later
Fair- and surprisingly detailed- point, Seanna.​
(slight chuckle)
Thanks. I've spent a, uh...fairly good chunk of high school on message boards honing that argument. And weathering an absurd amount of...
Panel 5: A beat later, there's a volunteer on the bullhorn near the entrance to the build. They're dressed head-to-toe in plastic PPE, with a big respirator over their face.
(through the speaker, to everyone)
Ladies and gentlemen, the location is closed for the day. We have ran out of HHS-mandated tests.
Panel 6: Cut to a shot of the front of the line hearing the announcement, visibly angered by what they're hearing (something that some of them have heard multiple times before).
(Cont., Off-Panel)
You can come back at 7 A.M. tomorrow, but you will need to bring evidence of your appointment beforehand...