The Community, Issue 2: Part 3.2
Page 40
Panel 1: She stops moments later a distance from the officer, who is partially visible to the right. You can see the outpouring of rage on Celia's face as she speaks; her phone gripped in her hand, recording it. You can see a little red dot from a sniper rifle appear on the right side of her chest.
(to the officer, translated from Portuguese)
Smile and tell the world how beating up a girl for exercising her rights is gonna defeat this virus, or help my brothers and sisters in the favelas survive another day while the rich...
Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Suddenly, a bullet slices into view from the top right corner, hitting her squarely between her collarbone and chest. In the background, Marta appears and watches the scene with horror.
Panel 3: From the perspective of Celia's phone camera, we see Marta running toward her girlfriend a minute later; a look of despair and shock and sadness in her eyes. In the background, you can hear a mixture of bangs and wheeze of bullets and tear gas canisters going on out of view.
(to Celia, translated from Portuguese)
Oh god- CELIA!
Panel 4: Flash forward to a hospital room setting; the phone has been switched off, tilted screen-up to the ceiling in a plastic bag next to Celia's Dora mask. You can see, by the clock in the background, that it's 7:15 at night.
Panel 5: Cut to a shot of Celia's face a few minutes later on the hospital bed, opening her eyes again. You can see part of a white wrapping over her collarbone/chest area where she was shot, along with I/V drips to her left arm as well as the bedsheets she'e mostly wrapped up in.
(Off-Panel, following a brief interlude of wheels on tile)'re up!
Hey. How long have I been out?
(Bubble 2)
Four days.
(Bubble 2)
Really? Damn...
Page 41
Panel 1: Cut to a shot of the end of the bed. You can see what Celia believes is Marta, though not without any type of humanoid image. You can also see bits of the room in the background like walls, a TV and the door leading to the bathroom; each without great detail.
(Cont. Off-Panel, to Marta; translated from Portuguese)
How's Amelia holding up?
(to Celia, translated from Portuguese)
She's well. A few broken ribs, broken elbow, some purple spots on her face and stomach. But better than dead- she sends her love, by the way.
(Bubble 2, Off-Panel)
Did she...?
(Bubble 2)
Tested and cleared, thank Nakia. Hopefully it'll stay that way.
Panel 2: Back to Celia on the bed; the setting and layout similar to the end of the previous page. She pieces together a slight smile at the news.
Good, good. Were you guys able to get what I filmed of the encounter with those asshole cops online?
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 3, Bubble 1)
Excellent! How'd Sousa and his goons respond?
Panel 3: Same setting/layout as Panel 1. The same vague painting of the scene from that aforementioned panel is still in play here, though less pronounced here.
Sadly, no. One of the Fantastic Three did though, along with some other crap that went on further up in the crowd. Currently #1 on Twitter and Google +.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 2, Bubble 2)
Deny, deflect, and blame the Commies and brown people.​
Panel 4: Same setting/layout as Panel 2. She scoffs lightly at the statement, shifting to the next question in her head.
Ah, "The American"...figures, given his love affair with the American Right.
(Bubble 2)
How's the bail op going, by the way? Had to have been a few hundred they scooped up.
Panel 5: Back to Marta in the same setting/layout as Panel 3. The whole thing is far clearer than before, revealing a metal pipe stretching down out of view with a tablet on the top. Though we don't see her face on said screen at this point.
Just under that, actually. The F3's got most of them, but it'll take another day or so to get the money together to free the remaining 10-12 still behind--
Panel 6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Celia gets a good look at her for the first time, and is shocked by what she sees, shooting up as much as possible from her previous resting position.
(interjecting, shocked)
Holy shit!
(Bubble 2)
Why are you on a fucking iPad? Oh no...